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Mavie Jaeger.

The months passed, our 13th birthday arrived and... The blessed day of enlistment, too. Eren was infecting all of us with his enthusiasm, it was clear how happy he was, but I could see in his eyes a certain feeling of distress, he must be like that because I, after much reluctance, decided to enlist along with him. they. When I told them about it, the three of them looked at me crookedly, however, they didn't question me about my decision, they just forced a smile and said those typical encouraging phrases: "everything will be fine!", "you'll do fine !", and I confess, I was glad for the compliments, although they said it just out of politeness, after all, I doubt they would want me to go along.

I'm not going to lie, I'm not going because I want to, but to be close to Eren, Armin and Mikasa, because at the end of the day, they're the only ones I have left in the world, so I want to be around to keep them safe. .. Of course, Mikasa could handle everything alone, however, I feel obliged to do it, Eren is my brother, it's my responsibility, I can't throw this burden on his shoulders.

In a little while, we will be arriving in Trost, where we will enlist and begin our training as soldiers. Eren and Armin can't stop talking about the things they will see on the other side of the walls, meanwhile, Mikasa just watches them with a short smile on her small reddened lips. "Will we be able to see the sea?", Armin asked my brother, who only replied with a shrug of the shoulders, leaving the blonde thoughtful.

The sea... I remember hearing the two of them talking about this huge saltwater lake and, well, I have to admit that it intrigues me. In fact, everything in the forbidden book by Mr. Arlert, Armin's grandfather, makes me curious about the outside world. Is it really possible, a salt lake that covers much of our world? The strange rivers of fire, a land covered in snow? Thinking about all this makes me lose the fear of leaving the walls, however... It's still dangerous.

- We're coming to Trost! - Eren yelled excitedly, putting his face to the outside of the tent that covered the wagon we were in.

- Eren, you will fall. - I said, pulling him closer to me, making him sit down again.

- Your sister is right, behave. - Mikasa said, casting a scolding look at him, who rolled his eyes and snorted.

- Stop treating me like I'm a small child! We're all the same age!

- Then stop acting like one. - I replied to his complaint, smiling mockingly.

One of the other reasons that made me come along with them is that Eren is always getting into trouble and taking risks for bullshit, and that worries me a lot, I don't want to have to run after him all the time, as if he were my son. Sometimes I think that Eren didn't lose his mind because it's glued to his body, because otherwise... What nonsense.

- Listen, Mavie, I think you better not be picking on me while we're there. Don't make me ashamed. - my brother muttered, gripping my hand tightly.

- It's just you don't give me reasons for it.

- We're here... - we heard Armin speak in a low tone, peering out of the wagon through a small gap made in the tent.

At the same moment, we felt the wagon stop moving and soon the wagon driver warned us that we could get off, so we did so. When I touched the floor of Trost for the first time, I felt a chill all over my body, as if that was some kind of sign, however, I ended up ignoring it and followed the walk with my brother and friends, the HQ was not that far, but also it wasn't close, however we could get there on foot if we were walking in a hurry.



As soon as the four arrived at the HQ, they were received by some soldiers and taken to the room of their instructor, where they would confirm their enlistment in the 104th class of cadets. Mavie was nervous, but she did her best not to let her nervousness show, because when she looked at Armin, she could see that the boy was shaking, and in hopes of making him feel better, Mavie flashed her best smile and held one of his hands. the blonde, who looked at her in amazement, but ended up smiling back.

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