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After Reiner's proposal to help Mavie, the two didn't let go anymore and because of the blonde's support, Jaeger began its evolution, impressing all those who didn't believe in her change. Reiner was proud of the youngest and happy to have been able to make up for some of the pain he caused her years ago, the happiness in Mavie Jaeger's brown eyes was clear. It had been a few months since the two had been training together and Mavie's takedowns began to lessen as Reiner put more pressure on her, but unlike the instructors, Braun knew when to stop.

Now, the brunette was able to keep up with her colleagues in running training and surpassed them a few times, Mavie felt happy with herself and couldn't wait to graduate so she could be part of the scouting troop and get to know the world beyond the walls, because then After so many years of denying her brother's dream and feeling fear of the outside, she finally felt free to know the unknown and enjoy the pleasures of life.

Eren, despite considering Reiner one of his best friends, didn't like the relationship that the blonde had with his sister and not because he didn't approve of the two becoming in some time, but because, according to him, Mavie was new. too much to relate to anyone, after all, the girl was only 13 years old, while Reiner, was already in the prime of his 15 years. Of course, Mavie and Reiner didn't even think about taking things that way and as much as the dark-haired brunette felt something for Braun, she would never admit it to him or anyone else, including Eren.

One late afternoon after a full day of training, all the young recruits were gathering in the mess hall to eat and then take a break for nightly training. As always, Mavie was with her brother, Armin and Mikasa, who were talking to each other while she remained silent, just watching them and, every now and then, commented something to them and fell silent again. Jaeger wasn't much of a talker and only did that when the subject really interested her to the point of making her loosen up and talk until her tongue was numb, which only happened a few times and all of them were with no one else and no one. less than Reiner.

- You spent the whole day glued to Reiner, again. - Eren said, shooting his sister with his green eyes.

- I'm sorry about that, I promise I'll stay with you tomorrow.

- If I'm right in my accounts, you've already promised us this five times. – Armin retorted, letting out a nasal laugh.

- You could give me a discount, don't you think? It's thanks to him that I improved my performance in our trainings, even instructor Keith stopped picking on me. – she replied, a little annoyed by the brunette's demand.

- Mavie's right. If it weren't for Reiner, she wouldn't be here right now... They would probably have sent her back to the fields. – Mikasa defended the girl, looking seriously at the two boys.

- I'm not complaining or anything! I just mentioned that she always promises to stay with us, but ends up going with Reiner. – Arlert justified himself, raising both hands as a sign of performance.

- That's the problem, now you're just glued to him and he's to you! Mavie, you're not liking him, are you? He's a little older than you, silly. – once again, Eren was exalted because of Mavie and Reiner's friendship.

- What do you mean, "liking him"? Seriously, Eren! He and I are just friends, I imagine... In fact, I think we are more like teacher and student, after all, our friendship is about that, him helping me in training.

- AHA! Your ear turned red, you're lying! – the brunette shouted victoriously, pointing a finger at his sister's face.

Mavie's eyes widened at her brother's speech, feeling her entire face burn with embarrassment, fearing that Reiner or anyone else outside that table had overheard their conversation. Seeing the twin's reaction to what he'd just said, Eren was sure of his doubts, coming to the conclusion that yes, Mavie really liked Reiner.

- Yeah, but so what? Weren't you the one who just said "he's a little older" than I am? And another, even if it wasn't, all I want less now is dating! We don't even have time for that... Nor age. – she countered against the boy, crossing her arms and supporting them on the table, looking sideways at the blonde who was sitting a few meters away.

- Not to mention that he keeps flirting with all the girls, especially Christa. – Mikasa commented, seeming to be bothered by that subject.

Hearing that was painful, Mavie had no idea that Reiner was the type to hit on all girls and it only made her lose the last of her hope that, someday, she could have something more with Braun. She had already seen him talk to Christa and try to flirt with the blonde, but Ymir always showed up and took Lenz away, preventing the two from continuing to talk, which Mavie always mentally thanked. Once, Jaeger was around the two girls and overheard Ymir arranging to meet Christa on the sly, revealing that the two girls had a relationship behind everyone's back, including Reiner's. Mavie smiled as she remembered that, knowing the boy would never stand a chance with Christa Lenz, not when she had Ymir by her side.

- Reiner has no chance with her, heh.

- And how can you be so sure of that? – Eren asked the shorter one, with one of his eyebrows raised.

- I know things about that no one else knows.

- In short, you're a gossip. – Armin finished, making the other two laugh at his joke, while Mavie glared at him full of hate.


After a quick shower, Mavie put on her cadet uniform and searched for her cape, finding it lying on top of her bed, noting that only she and three other girls remained there, in the girls' dormitory, Annie Leonhart, Mina Carolina and Sasha Blouse, who were also just getting ready to go out. Mavie walked past them and smiled, wishing them luck in training that day and left, but before that, she noticed that Leonhart had her blue orbs fixed on her, causing her some discomfort. Whenever she was with Reiner, Mavie noticed Annie's eyes on her and the blonde, as if she was angry about something, leading the black-haired girl to assume that maybe Annie had a crush on Reiner and was jealous of it.

As soon as she left HQ, Mavie found Reiner outside in the courtyard, he was waiting for her. When he saw her, he smiled broadly and walked over to where the smaller one was, opening his arms to receive her with a hug. Reiner missed Jaeger's company, even though they spent practically the entire day together, without letting go of each other. He liked being with her and was happy with the way Mavie was attentive to him, Reiner had never received so much attention and admiration like that, and Mavie gave him all that and more, she was a sweet and kind girl, it would be impossible not to want her around.

- Ready for tonight? I heard some colleagues say that we were going to train with fake titans. – Reiner said, resting his elbow on the smaller girl's shoulder.

- Yes, I confess that I'm anxious! I want to rub it in their faces that I'm capable. Today, I'm going to beat my record and shoot 10 targets! Let's bet? – she proposed to the blonde, smiling mockingly.

- All this? You can't even end up with 4, let alone 10. – Braun replied in a joking tone, returning the mocking smile.

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