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"However, in recent years, there has been an insurrection on Paradis Island. They eliminated King Fritz's pacifist ideology and the Founding Titan was stolen by someone. Crisis approaches the world once again. There is a traitor to peace. His name It's Eren Jaeger."

When she entered the basement and closed the door behind her, both Falco and Reiner did not recognize her immediately, nor could they even identify her as a woman. Eren looked at her with the same expressionless and disdainful expression he had given her the last time they met, when he returned from the war against the Allied Forces in the Middle East. Mavie kept her head down, her back against the door, feeling deeply exhausted and unsure of what to do, as she could no longer discern what was right or wrong, nor who the real antagonists or heroes were in the plot she had experienced. since the day he came into the world. Finally, she raised her face slightly and her eyes briefly met Reiner's, who, upon noticing her, widened his golden eyes as he realized that she had, in fact, been alive all that time. Young Grice was also surprised to see her, but the way she entered the room and simulated her own death led him to conclude that she was also a native of Paradis, which added another point of pain in his heart.

Reiner was stunned to see that she was alive, at the same time he felt a sense of contentment that she had not succumbed. However, a question permeated his mind: "Who did the charred body belong to?" Man no longer knew how to reason; he had resigned himself to the idea that everyone in Marley would be fatal victims, both at the hands of Eren and those of the Exploration Troop, and neither he nor his fellow warriors would be a match for the clash. The Marleyan army would suffer numerous losses this time.

Mavie moved away from the door and began to undress in front of the three, removing her Marleyan military uniform and keeping only her Military Police outfit, throwing her white uniform and red armband away after tearing them. Braun, in turn, watched her perplexed, full of questions in his mind, as he knew that she had never reached the level to join the Military Police. Now, however, she wore the emblem of that division on her chest and back, like a renowned police officer. I had countless questions to ask, I longed to understand what had happened, how she had gotten into that condition and why she seemed more downcast than ever. However, he was also fascinated by seeing her more clearly than the day he had confronted her and been met with two gunshots.

- Why is he here? - Mavie asked her brother, referring to the youngest present among them.

- Stay silent. We haven't finished our conversation yet. - the brunette interrupted her, without looking away from hers, who were now looking at him.

- Don't order me to be quiet. Why are you involving a child in this? Allow me to at least get you out of here. - she addressed the boy with blond hair, who avoided her.

- You also lied to me... - Grice's eyes widened as he looked at her.

- If you try to spare him, I will report this to the Military Police and you will be arrested again for treason. - Eren threatened her with firmness in his voice, making it clear that he wasn't bluffing about denouncing her.

And then, in the same instant, she stepped back and away from Falco. She looked askance at her twin brother and her expression reflected the distress she felt at having been threatened in that way, involving her arrest. It had already been a fight to avoid death at Levi's hands when the discovery that Eren was a Titan came to light and suspicions about it arose. Everything got worse when she murdered Commander Erwin Smith in cold blood, leaving everyone shocked, because despite everything she had been through, they had no idea that she would go to such lengths and tarnish her entire reputation. Her name had become bitter in the mouths of the elite within the walls; everyone wanted her dead, both for Erwin's murder and for the fact that she had a son with Reiner, whose head was also wanted on a platter. She constantly lived on a tightrope, fighting to stay out of the cells and out of reach of execution. His life was always hanging by a thread, and any mistake could end his peace once and for all.

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