Chapter 16

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Im so freaking tired right now

- Moonlight




Choi Haewon POV

I patted the black cat, Sori, as I talked on the phone with Minnie. I was sitting by my desk and writing an essay from Music class about a famous producer. I chose Bang Chan from Stray Kids along with the rest of 3racha. Or, I tried to write it as I petted Sori and talked to Minnie.

"Did you see the new picture Sunghoon posters on Instagram? He looks soo handsome, like... forget it, I'll just send it to you" my phone let out a 'pling' and the notification showed that Minnie had sent me a picture. I opened the message.
The pictures showed Sunghoon taking a mirror selfie of himself. I cringed a little by the comments. They kept on telling him how hot he was, and how they simped for him. Some kept on saying how handsome he was and how he was killing it with his looks.
"They should get a life" I muttered and turned off my phone.

My eyes drifted back to the computer in front of me where my Word Document was standing all by itself. Filled with half-empty words: words that had a meaning for me, but the one that reads it won't get the feeling and meaning behind it.
Sori meowed on my lap craving attention from me. "Be happy that you are this cute, you're very loveable" I scratched it behind the ear making it purr.

"Are you still there?" I hummed. "Do you think I have a chance with him? I want to ask him out and all, but I'm too shy to do it if don't have any chance of getting a yes"

"If you like him, then you should just ask him out. If he rejects you, then you know that he does not like you. Rancher than you wondering if he likes you or not" she moved a little bit in her bed and started coming up with ways to confess to him. Sunghoon was a very picky person with high self-esteem. If he was to commit to a relationship, it was because he loved the person and wanted to give that person all his attention and love, so he didn't want to waste his time in a relationship that meant nothing to him.
"Should I bake him something, or give him a rose? Maybe leave a letter in his locker. I wish you'd know him so that you could tell me what he likes and not~"

"Yeah" I lied knowing way too well how good friends me and Sunghoon were.

"He seems a little cold-hearted" wrong "and maybe a little self cantered" also wrong. "What about Jay, he seems to like that classic gangster type... maybe I should ask him out instead?"

Is she for real now...

"Who do you think looks the best with me? Do I fit that 'pretty boy' type or 'bad boy' type more" I began to feel fed up with her attitude? Was she really considering who to ask out juggling by the persona they showed at school... I let out a loud sigh. "You should ask some of the other girls, they know more about dating than I do"

"I'll do that, see you!"

She ended the call right after. My state toon drifted down to the small black kitten on my lap. Sori had fallen asleep and was purring happily. "What do I do about her? She hasn't always been like this, maybe it was that she has been hanging out with other girls more lately?"

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