64 - Anger: Aftermath

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Author note: Fun fact about me I do have a Sans I like a lot and they haven't been mentioned once in this story. Have fun with that. 

The door slammed shut and the silence was almost suffocating. There were a few sniffles coming from Blue and even Gradient was tearing up. Before anyone could think of going after Error, Killer gritted his jaw and stomped towards the stunned star duo. 

"You little shits!" He lunged forward but was held back by a familiar tendril, there was enough negativity for Nightmare to be able to do so. 

"Let's calm down Killer, the kids are still here," Classic said causing Sci to approach Gradient while carrying Paps in one arm.

"Come on, Error will be ok. Let's get you away from here," Sci said while holding a hand out for Gradient. The young skeleton looked to Nightmare, since he would listen to him, and saw him nod before taking Sci's hand. They walked to the stairs and Gradient paused for a moment to look back and glare before continuing with Sci.

"Cross-" Nightmare started but said skeleton held up a hand to cut him off.

"On it," he said before following Sci giving some of the others a side glance as he walked by. Only when they heard a door shut did Nightmare release Killer. 

"What the hell was that?!" Red asked not a hundred percent sure if what really happened had happened. His brother didn't seem to be in the mood to scold him.

"Someone better start explaining real quick," Fell said narrowing his gaze down at everyone.

"I can only answer so much since not everything is for me to tell. What do you want to know?" Nightmare said attempting to control the situation.


"Is yours and Error's. When we met in Outertale your battle leftovers and magic combined to create Gradient. Outer knew about this since he's the one the asked for Error once enough time passed and Gradient was more grown. Next question."

"Did Error... I-I mean did he really-" Blue was struggling a bit through his tears but Dust was the one to answer.

"Yes, he ended his life because of the way he was treated. Without him... er them... I would've done the same." Dust looked down knowing the ghost of his brother would be staring.

"Yeah he- I'm sorry what?" Killer said surprised. Dust just blinked at him. 

"Oh yeah, before you met me I almost committed to... unaliving myself."

"....We're you ever going to tell me this?!"

"I thought Nightmare did," Dust said not particularly bothered about it. While they were going back and forth Pup came back from his quick trip to the kitchen and handed Blue a glass of water to help calm him.

"No, I didn't but please focus."

"Who else knew about Error?" Dream asked. The bad Sanses raised their hands then Lust did catching multiple eyes.

"They told you?!" Red said in genuine surprise. 

"Fresh and myself to be exact. He told us when Fresh showed up with Gradient."

"And me," a voice said by the stairs. It was Sci, leaning against the sturdy railing. Cross was higher up glaring down at the others.

"He told me since we've known each other for so long." It wasn't the entire truth but it's what Sci was going to stick with.

"What exactly is it that Error told you guys? Mainly why Ink and them get along as well as water and oil?" Classic asked feeling that outburst earlier was a bit more personal.

"The multiverse needs to be balanced, good and bad, destruction and creation. Without those factors the multiverse becomes a mess. Error would worry that the multiverse would cave in on itself. The more that's created the less room there is so the more that needs to be destroyed. They've mainly delt with things like glitches and aus already falling apart. But it was effecting them so I had them destroy aus that were not really important."

"All aus are important." Ink said in protest.

Killer rolled their eyes. "Yes, because over ten different aus of the same type is so important."

"This is why they don't get along. Error is just doing what's needed and Ink makes the situation worse for them. End of discussion. I'm not going more into it." Nightmare sounded a bit annoyed. The negativity was still present but with him explaining thing the atmosphere was getting lighter. 

"I think that's enough for me," Stretch said keeping a hand on Blue's shoulder. "I have questions like the rest of you but I can wait and ask on my own. This one has definitely heard enough for the day." He said this gesturing to Blue who looked just tired. He was already called out for it, no need to hide it. Wordlessly they head up to their room. 

The room buzzed with murmurs. Error did drop a lot on the and the one that knew seemed to not be revealing much. Even what was told didn't give them much. Fell surprisingly was fine with keeping quiet. He didn't know Error as long as the others but he knew what he knew and that was enough. He wanted answers but he wasn't going to demand them from people who wouldn't give the best answer.

"Where are you going?" Classic suddenly asked. The others looked at where he was and saw Lust with a shoulder bag on and facing the door.

Lust tightened the grip on his coat and paused for a moment before looking at the others. "I'm going to look for a lost skeleton. Poor dear, all alone in the dark city."

"I'll go with you," Dust said heading for the door ignoring others' protest.

"Perfect~ Just the two of us should be enough~" Lust shoved Dust outside and hopped out before shutting the door. Once shut his smile left and he looked at Dust with worry. 

"Would they have walked or teleported?" Lust asked walking away from the house.

"After that mess? Definitely walked, walking helps them." Dust confirmed following Lust.

"Then we'll do the same so we don't accidentally miss them." Lust pulled out his phone as they hurried away from the large place. Dust wasn't sure what Lust was doing on their phone but anything that would help he would take.

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