81 - Quick Chat

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Author note: this is short I'm sorry.

I was actually surprised that Lust Papyrus managed to fix up Dust's jacket. It wasn't a flawless fix obviously but it wasn't too noticeable upon the first few glances. I put on my new jacket and headed back down with the Lust brothers to meet up with the others.

Immediately, I saw Killer, Dust, and Horror open their mouths but I pointed at them and gave them a look.

"Shut up. Not a word. I don't want to hear it. Here's your jacket." I said before tossing the jacket onto Dust's head. He groaned before taking off the clothing and checking it before putting it on. He ignored the others' snickers. 

I plopped myself onto the arm of a couch as Stretch cleared his throat gaining my attention.

"Well glad to see you dont look like you fought with a cat. We asked what we could from the death skeleton but we would like you to fill in the blanks since he didn't give much. From when you headed out til Reaper Sans found you if you don't mind." Stretch said easily moving the subject from my clothes to the situation that happened.

"Oh well, I was walking to that field we had that picnic at and I got caught by a trap. I broke free, started fighting, then was caught again before 404 showed himself. He said I was his old student even though I didn't know him and that he was the reason we're all stuck in this au. I don't know his plan but he seemed a bit out of it if I'm being honest. That's about it really."  I kept my response as small as possible since I didn't need to share ever tiny detail. 

"...does he know that you're not exactly a full on monster?" Cross asked while leaning against a wall by Dance Sans.

"No, I don't think so. If Death over here didn't show up he probably would've. He went for my soul but didn't get the chance to see it." I explained before patting my own chest as if checking that my soul was still there.

"Oh that reminds me, he also has been messing with some souls. At least I'm pretty sure it's him. I managed to untangle some of his strings but I don't know why he did it." 

The conversation went on from there, explaining to Dream what I did with his soul, the reason why I checked the others, and a few other things before everyone decided to carry on with their day but be alert for 404.

Sci decided to stick around however and we went to the kitchen for tea. It's been a while since I had a tea moment with Sci.I sat at the table as he made the drinks. Once we were settled then we started to talk.

"So, ignoring the 404 stuff for now, you doing ok after Lust Sans kidnapped you?" Sci asked after drinking some tea.

"I wouldn't call it kidnapping but yeah. It gave me some breathing room to think without being bombarded by questions from everyone." I said after thinking about it.

"And you ok with the outfit choice?" He was mainly just curious if anything, not judging if i was reading his expression correctly that it.

"It could've been worse let's be honest. I feel fine with this, I'm not wearing shorts like a majority of the Sanses in this house. I don't mind it really, it's just a bit to get used to." 

"True. Are you going to tell Gradient about this whole thing?" He asked causing me to raise a bone brow.

I frowned a bit from the thought. Gradient was not safe with 404 around but keeping him in the dark helps no one.

"I'll tell him later. He doesn't need to worry about this since he still is thinking about what happened at the park. Are you going to tell Paps?" I tossed the question back to him. His brow furrowed before he relaxed.

"Ah right, fair enough," he said before we drank our tea in silence.  Eventually Horror came by and grabbed snacks, I could hear him shifting stuff around from the cupboards. Others started making their way through and we concluded the tea session.

I found myself going with Horror and followed him to Nightmare's and mine shared room. The others were there as well. I sat on my bed as the others were chatting, this wasn't a meeting of any kind, just a hang out. I never understood why they liked to gather in our room but I chose to not question it. 

Looking over at everyone I made a decision being care not to give away much to the emotion detector in the room. No matter what happens I would protect these guys with my life. They suffered enough to have some power psycho ruin the good times they were having.

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