Thursday 12th January 2023

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Dear diary,

I think last night was the earliest I've fallen asleep in ages. I remember reading something on my phone like TikTok comments or something and then my eyes closed but I was still awake lol and I was like nope I have to sleep. I think I was asleep by 10:45pm. I was knocked out and I'm still in bed struggling to properly wake up😭 I told myself I'd write in my diary to wake myself up a bit.

I also kind of smell like Lorenz, or I can smell him on me even though I've had a shower. I don't mind lol, I love his scent.

Bye for now diary. - 7:13am

I'm just sat on my bed waiting. I ended up having a really filling breakfast to be fair and I've taken lunch with me, I've taken two peanut butter snicker bars; one for me and one for honey because I know she likes them.

I'm starting to feel a bit tired already but I'm kind of excited to see patients as well. It's always nerve wracking not knowing what patient you'll see and they will present with but I'm starting to see it as an exciting type of nerve. Like Eustress- which means a good type of stress.

I keep thinking about yesterday and I realise it's literally what my life used to feel like before I started overthinking. It's what I used to be like. So happy. Until January 27th 2022. Its coming up, the miserable anniversary. I wish I wasn't good with dates and didn't remember random stuff.

Anyways, that's enough of the miserable talk. I'm thinking of going into town this weekend with my mum. Maybe go to a dessert place. Maybe return the ring? I don't know. That reminds me, Lorenz said he'd go half on my trainers I bought the other day🥲 I'm not gonna be that person to remind someone of something lol.

Also this is random but I love Kangol socks. I went through a sock phase a few months ago and bought a bunch of different branded socks and I've been wearing each brand and right now I'm wearing Kangol and they're so underrated.

The ankle socks I wore yesterday were the same socks I wore in my previous job when I stitched up the hole on the toe and Lorenz was like "you're heavy handed". That's when I accidentally cut my toe with the needle.

I'm just rambling on now. I'll read a book until she comes. - 8:20am

So Honey just called me and there's traffic by where she is and she said she's annoyed and not having a good morning and doesn't feel that great (I've taken paracetamol in my bag for her) so I'm expecting a nice rant about her morning and a very long catch up from yesterday. With us, we will start telling a story but end up getting side tracked and tell 7 mini stories along the way. I'm not in a ranting mood but she's my best friend and is always there for me when I need to rant.

I shall update later tonight when I'm home. - 8:38am


I correctly diagnosed my first patient today! All correct diagnosis and got the thumbs up from my supervisor. It was something minor, anyone probably could have diagnosed it, but I'm happy with that. On lunch now. Not feeling too good feel ill and had a potential covid patient so need to do a test when I come home. Feel awful. - 12:07pm

I just woke up. Me and honey get to have a long lunch break here and it's the best. There's a sofa in the room they've given us and we both didn't feel that great and we had paracetamol. We ended up sharing the sofa and fell asleep next to each other. I've just woken up. I fully fell asleep mind, I feel way more refreshed. I fell asleep almost instantly. Honey is still asleep. I tried to go back to sleep but we have to see our next patient at 2:30pm so I want to feel more awake by then, so happy I slept, think I slept for an hour.

I played Wordle and challenged Lorenz to a match earlier. I might play a bit of that to wake myself up. I also had a full proper lunch I feel kinda bloated but it was needed.

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