Detailed account of 4/4/2023

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I will write about yesterday in detail and then today

I Arrived kinda early but the drive there was so beautiful omgggg I was in complete awe of the sky and at one point I caught a glimpse of the orange sun rise and it was stunning sobhanAllah. I listened to Einaudi on the drive up and it made everything so scenic. I

I got to know more staff members yesterday. I was working with a senior HCA called Tracey and at first I didn't get a good impression of her cos she was like can I just call you halloumi instead. It reminded when someone at the other hospital was like Can I just call you helicopter. In all honesty I was offended. I think it's incredibly rude and offensive to not take any effort to learn someone's name. It's a way of dehumanising someone by completely disregarding their name and making a new one for them. White people have Siobhan as a name, I'm sorry but if you can say that then you can say any name.

The staff members didn't like she said that, I could tel it caused a fuss. She said that when we were all hanging around the reception desk cos there wasn't much to do and other ladies were like uh no you call her by her actual name and learn her actual name, and they stuck up for me. When she said it at the time I obviously laughed it off and made a joke about Nando's halloumi sticks to try and just divert the conversation onto something else. And then people were like you can call her something else instead and I was like lol no it's okay, they were like call her tofu or someone else was like she looks like the fairy godmother from shrek 💀 they said this whilst Tracey was there so it wasn't backbiting lol. But o think even Tracey realised what she said was out of pocket.

But anyways I think she did actually learn my name and she was actually incredibly lovely the rest of the day and I actually went to her for help when I needed it because she's approachable, they all are to be fair.

I ended up taking cannulas out all my own without supervision. I did it with supervision the first few times but then I was on my own two feet. It was a little scary at first especially doing OBS on my own cos I remember I couldn't do it properly last week but I knew the best way to learn is just throw yourself in the deep end. So by the end of the day I was honestly way more comfortable in what I was doing and learning where all the equipment is.

I did blood glucose levels right at the end too. That was supervised. Honestly anyone could do it idk why I'm hyping myself or proud of myself cos it's nothing crazy or special it's literally pricking a needle in someone's skin to get their blood glucose but it's just cool cos I haven't done it before.

The entire day was good even the porters are really good and things. You do see a few theatre assistants come up because they normally take the patients to theatre.

I loved the kitchen staff there too they're so friendly omg and they're so welcoming. Proper British old school ladies swearing and things but honestly they're so good and smiley.

There's this one guy I keep seeing since last week and idk his name and I've been introduced to most people and every time we pass in the corridor we do that awkward smile . You know the smile when you know someone but don't at the same time. So I was sat in the office and he was there and we did that awkward smile again and honestly I'm good at making things less awkward so I say to him, what's your name because we keep passing each other but we keep doing that awkward smile when you don't know each other and that kinda broke the ice and he laughed and told me his name. I've forgotten it already😭😂 think it was Danny? Or it began with an R? Idk lol

There was this patient who had drank like 3 cups of hot chocolate and omg it was torture for me cos the drinks machine they have there is so peng and I have had the hot chocolate from there on the first week when I wasn't fasting and urgh I really wanted one I struggled a lot yesterday. I told myself I'd make a mug of hot chocolate when I'd go home and I did contemplate it but I never made one. That patient has a hair salon called mint in pthcawl so I was getting hair tips from her lol.

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