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Dear diary

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Dear diary

I have a lot to write about from yesterday and today. Kind of left last night as a cliff hanger but I couldn't be bothered to write.
I love revising outside but the bugs are biting my thighs and legs so bad and it's proper big bites as well. Reminds me of the mosquito bites in Iran👀 but I also like wearing shorts. I have so many😂

Just a quick summary of today. I finally went gym today.
Something I want to tell everyone in my life apart from Iehab and A & my family cos they're the only ones who understand that I HAVE AN EXAM ON TUESDAY. (I haven't even told my family I have an exam Tuesday)
Yes I know the weather is nice
My plans for the weekend? Revising
Please don't ask me to come out or tell me you have plans because it's sad and tortuous enough as it is to stay home when everyone's out enjoying the nice weather. Yes I know it's our friends birthday next week.
I'll be free after the 22nd. I'm all yours then.

I also want to put out a statement to not call me during my revision or alone time hours 😭😭 maybe I'm being extra sassy cos I'm due my period any day now but honestly I had a nap when I came home and I really needed it and it took me a while to fall asleep and the house was quiet I was home alone and next thing I know , someone's calling me. I forgot to put my phone on dnd 😭

Any other time is fine wallah. But during exams, I want all the alone time and precious nap time I can because I structure my day around revision and my mood. like I know when and what to do. So I was kinda pissed that the phone call woke me up but I answered anyway . I think I slept for like 20-30 mins, and I still woke up with a headache but I'm fine now.

Didn't feel uncomfortable today as the boy wasn't working today. I refuse to call those type of people Men. I'll write about that later
Took my first ever blood cultures today. :)

And there was parking 😁 I think I'm getting better at parking but only when no one's behind me cos otherwise I get stressed lol

I did watch the football last night but only briefly cos I fell asleep when it was on. I think Man City won?
Not only do period hormones play a major factor in fatigue but this last month has been the most soul draining month I've had in a while. I cannot wait to destress. This is TMI but it's my diary so I'm allowed to write it but a week before my period I always get so horny, and I've been so stressed out this week I only felt spicy like once, and that quickly subsided . I did feel a little today but again, my brain keeps testing everything I've learned even if I'm not revising so I don't even have time to allow myself to feel like that.
Like what is my brain thinking like girlllll now is not the time to be thinking or feeling that wayyyyy

I've been feeling all the period hormones this week. Everything.

I've just had oat milk (I love non dairy milk lol) and it was very tasty and I had it with two dates. I forgot the name of these dates but they're good.

I wanna go gym tomorrow morning but I don't wanna over do it to not feel tired for the rest of the day.

Okay. Will do a proper update for yesterday later.
ALSO BEFORE I GO, it ends with us is being turned into a movie and it already looks disappointing 🫣

I've also just got another bug bite on my right leg
Also my snap memories from today has so many memories. A year ago today I left for Iran for three months.
Two years ago today I was revising for my biomed exam
5 years ago today, was the last day of sixth form and me and tash took selfies and went up by the Celtic by my house for a walk and went to McDonald's. So many memories.

I haven't even replied to iehabs text about a wing stop coming to my ends.
I'll reply before I sleep tonight. I'm gonna aim to stay up until 1 to revise.

Good night diary.

Never mind I came inside, the bugs are scary. One was making a weird ass noise and I've never got up so fast lol

Gonna spend the next few days in my sisters room to revise I always used to use and sleep in her room for revision

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