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I realised I never wrote about my exam

So I started off on a rest station.

Let me break down the OSCEs.

It's an exam I've never done before and it specific to medical students, nurses and us.

It's 8 stations and two rest stations (our uni added one more rest station) and it's timed, so have to do them in 8 mins. If you forget something or run out of time then it's -2 points 😭

My first one was a rest station and it gave me time to write notes as we are allowed to write notes but we have to hand the notes in at the end. My head of course came and spoke to me and checked up on me at the same time. Sitting at the rest station also gave me time to listen to what the other stations are.

The next one was ABG. (Arterial blood gas) I remembered to do the Allen's test. The examiner was so friendly. He pretty much helped all of us and told us if we passed or failed. By the way there's an examiner in each station besides the rest and a patient in the station depending on what the station is.

Next one was ECG and interpret ECG. ECGs are my weakest point I think and ngl I think I failed that station.

Next one was cardiovascular exam and I think I did really well but I ran out of time so I couldn't summarise so that's -2 points.

Next one was a history taking exam, I think I did okay.

Next one was a rest station. Then next station was SBAR. Which I think the entire class failed on. Was solid. It's something so simple but was so hard at the same time and interpreting x rays and mris and coming up with a treatment plan and reading blood results 😫 at the very end, our head of course called the examiners out for the SBAR station and was like why were you guys so harsh lol. To be fair the examiners were decent and they asked you questions to get you to the answer so they were indirectly helping but if you don't know it , then you just don't know it. So I think I failed that station.

Next one was interpreting a scan and coming up with a management / shared decision making which I'm not sure how I did.

Next one was a rest station. Next one was a neurological lower limb exam which I knew like the back of my hand, but I made two mistakes and ran out of time so I'm so gutted over that.

Next one was a shoulder exam which I knew as well but I think I forgot two things.

So in general I'm really not sure how I did. Initially when it finished I thought I did well but then on the drive home I started to remember everything I forgot to do .

InshAllah I've passed. We find out the results quite soon, thought it was a month later but it's not.

Our head of course got us all donuts and they clapped for us as we walked out.

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