Brief Weekend update

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I have so much to write about. But I was knocked out Friday night, I'm normally a light sleeper but oh my days when I'm exhausted, nothing will wake me up or I'll wake up but be delirious and sleep talk which has happened a lot and makes for funny stories apparently lol. Fell asleep with my light on and my mum was trying to ask me a question around 11pm (at which point I was fast asleep) and apparently I was saying gibberish and whatnot.

Has been a really good weekend alhamdulilah like really really good, wasn't expecting myself to enjoy myself this much. Even left my phone at home at one point for a few hours because I really needed a break. I'm fed up of drunk people though, they almost ruined my entire night tonight, my dad saw I was uncomfortable and made sure we crossed the road and that I walked with him, he walked on the outer part of the pavement closer to the road, he's always done this with us kids.

Will hopefully write a long update for the weekend tomorrow night.

Good night diary. - 1:08am

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