Tears after tears.

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Lol so I just called my dad cos I know my mums at work, and he wasn't really understanding where I was coming from. The phone call was literally one minute I'm not even kidding.
He was like so many people are gonna be mean to you and stuff and it was basically tough love. I ended up crying on the call to him and he softened up a bit and understood but why do I have to cry for people to understand me.

He probably texted my mum or something (I already texted my mum before hand saying I can't deal with Honey anymore) so my mum texted me a little while after and asked me to call her.
I ended up bawling my eyes out to my mum, she gave me everything I needed to hear. She even said she'd come pick me up if I wanted but she also said I'm gonna come across so many people in life I won't get along with but have to work with.

So in that regard, I'm gonna stick it out and somehow tolerate honey and her shitty behaviour and words to me. I'm sick of her.

Like do me wrong so many times but once I've reached my limit with you I'm done. Go your own way and I'll go mine. Every single day she has something new and toxic to say to me and it'll actually keep me thinking at night and the entire day about what she said and I keep it to myself.

I literally told Ilham today what Honey said to me last week and she was like I didn't know this and I was like yeah cos I keep a lot to myself:/

I don't understand how someone can be so mean.
My mum said to tell Honey how I feel and what she says is hurtful but I said there's no point cos I've tried to before. My mum said it builds patience and character and everything happens for a reason and she said to give her a call on the drive back if I have no one to speak to.

I'm literally bawling my eyes out as I write this. She's so mean to me. Even my mum said what Honey said was so wrong and unprofessional and my mum is a very fair person, like if I'm in the wrong she will tell me I am.

Honey has the next patient so I'm not coming in for her consultation. But after that, idk how I'm gonna work with her, and be in the same car as her when I've done nothing wrong.

I'll own up to my mistakes if I have done anything wrong, that's a good trait I have and others have told me this many times. I'll accept when I'm wrong. I'll truly apologise for it. But I didn't even speak today to be wrong for anything.

Lorenz has just messaged me asking if the patients and diagnosis is all okay and it made me cry even more lol. 50% wanna tell him and cry to him and tell him what's been going on but 50% is like just act fine, everything will be fine. No one needs to know.

If she has a problem or wants to say something to me, fucking wait until the patient has gone at least
Not the first time she's done it
Not the second
Not the third

I removed Honey from my private Snapchat story. - 14:00pm

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