4. Frog Choir

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Severus couldnt stop staring at Avalon. It was strange having her at Hogwarts. A great strange but different. He had always been a loner in school, bullied by Potter and his friends and now his gorgeous wife was standing in their chamber making tea in nothing but his Slytherin jumper.

Avalon smiled back at him over her shoulder. She held up a cup and he nodded as she made him a cup.

If only his bullies could see him now. They wouldnt be calling him names, they would be jealous of him. He had the best woman in the world as his wife, she was working beside him at Hogwarts even if that was just temporary, if Avalon liked it here Severus didnt know why this couldnt be more permanent.

"What are you thinking?" Avalon whispered kissing him. Severus sighed pulling her into his lap.

"How lucky I am." Severus remarked.

"I'm lucky." Avalon corrected.

"Come on, you can't go out in that, the boys will go crazy."

"You mean I should wear pants in public? Thats news to me." Avalon joked.

Severus knew it now, everyone was going to love Avalon. She was sunshine. She drank her tea as his hands wandered up her bare legs.

"So I'm going to be helping Hagrid, correct? That was his name?" Avalon recalled. She leaned over grabbed her previously discarded Fantastic beasts and where to find them from the side table.

"Thats right, odds are you will be more skilled than him." Severus agreed.

"I dont know anything about magical creatures yet." Avalon corrected.

"Naturally, you will be better." Severus assured. Avalon slapped playfully at his chest.


Avalon was dressed in a black dress that flared out slightly, she wore a green little belt in the middle, for fashion Severus I dont need a belt, Avalon remarked when he asked and little black booties. Severus liked her in heels, she was a little thing and heels made it easier to kiss her in public. 

Avalon took a seat beside Severus, the first years were being sorted and Avalon watched the houses cheer out.



"This is cute, they have house pride." Avalon remarked, Severus clapped along for Slytherins.

"Of course they do, you have pride in your college." Severus offered. Avalon chuckled.

"I didnt like school as much as these kids seem to like Hogwarts." Avalon corrected.

"Gryffindor!" A sea of reds jumped up.


"Do you have any favorite students?" Avalon mused knowing Severus and the students were not chummy.


"Thats such a cute name. Hufflepuff!" Avalon repeated. Severus kissed her temple as she clapped for every house, this was so exciting. Severus was usually bored of the sorting ceremony, while for the first years it was exciting and the rest of the houses until they heard their house called it was usually a bunch of chatter, waiting to get to eat. When they were finally done the frogs came out and Avalon squealed. Severus shook his head, smiling, his Avalon was too sweet. Avalon's hand covered his own keeping his hand on her thigh.

"This is so cute.' Avalon remarked as the frog choir sang.

'I thought you would like it.' Severus admitted he kept a hand on her leg as she smiled down at the students.

'Now before we begin our excellent feast please notice that professor RJ Lupin has decided to fill the post of the defense against the dark arts teacher... good luck professor,' Remus stood up tipping his head to the students as they cheered for him.

"Lupin, that name sounds familiar..." Avalon remarked. Severus shook his head stiffly and Avalon remembered where she heard it from. He was one of Severus' bullies. Avalon pressed a kiss to Severus cheek and offered her a small smile.

''And our care of magical creatures professor decided to retire To spend time with his remaining limbs but I am excited to announce that his place will be taken by our very own Rubious Hagrid.'' Albus went on.

Minerva had to nudge Hagrid but he stood up shaking the table as the children clapped loudly.

"Helping Hagrid this year will be a new comer. We have Mrs. Avalon Snape." Albus gestured to her and she seemed a mouse compared to Hagrid. She waved hearing an echo of 'Snape?'

"Please welcome her and professor Lupin with our very best Hogwarts welcome!" Albus requested. Hagrid nodded to Avalon.

''On a smaller note I have a request from the ministry of magic Hogwarts will until further notice Hogwarts will play host to the Dementors of Azkaban until such a time as sirius black is captured.' Albus went on and Avalon's face pinched. Severus reached over and grabbed her hand. 'The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance of the grounds.' Dumbledore went on 'and while I have been assured that their presence will not interrupt our day-to-day activities a word of caution dementors are vicious creatures and they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one that gets in their way... therefore I must warn each and every one of you do not give them any reason to harm you... It is not in the nature of the dementor to be forgiving but you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.' Dumbledore said blowing out a light 'when only one remembers to turn on a light.' with another wave his hand the candle was lit the feast began.

"What house do you think id be in?" Avalon questioned as she started piling up her plate.

"Slytherin." Severus told her. "Far superior house."

"Really?" Avalon questioned.

"Pft, No." Severus said with a chuckle "I cant imagine you in slytherin. Probably Ravenclaw. You and your beautiful brain."

"Blue is my color. Thats the ravenclaws right?" Avalon questioned nodding to the blue robed children.

''Yes but i think you look even better in my old slytherin attire." Severus whispered in her ear. "Like this morning," he teased a hand running up her thigh she chuckled leaning into him as albus spoke to the students but avalon couldnt pay attention to anyone but Severus.

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