75. Bad Man

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"Mommy he's coming! Mommy he's coming!" Amelia shouted shaking her head as tears fell down her face. "Mommy he's-"

"Who?" Avalon questioned.

"The bad man." she answered as a knock sounded on the door.

"Take your siblings and play hide and seek, dont make a sound." Avalon requested.

"But mommy-"

"Baby I will handle this. If daddy gets home before me you tell him," Avalon whispered. "You tell him what you told me." Amelia whimpered nodding and ran off.

Avalon opened the door and a smirk crossed the pale bald mans face. Then she in the manor. A place she had been a few times before she would recognize it anywhere.

Avalon. Severus could barely believe his eyes.

"Severus so glad you could join us." Voldemort said. Avalon was sat in his lap a shaky breath in her lungs as she locked eyes with severus.

"My lord?" Severus questioned getting closer

"Why didnt you tell me about your little wife severus?" He ran a hand up and down avalons thigh the other hand his fingers twirling her hair. Avalons face pinched but she was to scared to move to breathe.

"I did not think it pertinent to the-" severus began

"I will decide what is and what is not pertinent." voldemort corrected he breathed avalon in and she closed her eyes trying to lean away but he kept a tight hold on her. "A muggle." Voldemort tsked. "That wont do." Avalon looked to severus again panic flooded her. Her mind crying out to him

"Yes she is a muggle." Severus agreed he took another step. "But-"

"But what? You love her?" Voldemort tormented his hand digging into her thigh, she held back a whimper knowing he wanted her pain.

"She is a welcomed distraction," severus told him. "Having to deal with all the miscreants and albus."

"A play thing?" Voldemort offered

"Yes. Exactly." Severus agreed and avalon was too nervous to be mad, she knew he was trying to help, trying to make him see a false reality, she shook slightly in voldemorts grip.

''Then we shall all have a go." voldemort tormented

"No," avalon rasped and voldemorts hand moved to her neck.

"What did you say!?" He shouted spit flying at her.

"Please, no," she murmured closing her eyes cringing back, tears fell from her face.

"Allow me to have first go." Lucius said stepping forward

"Good lad," voldemort said and forced avalon up. Lucius gripped her arm pulling her

"Oh and sevrus i want you to watch." Voldemort told him and severus followed behind. When the door shut lucius released avalon and she clung to severus crying into his chest.

"Thank you," severus said softly trying to soothe avalon to no avail.

"You brought this on your self." Lucius muttered. "I have grown fond of Avalon but since his return, everything that has happened... Severus, How could be so careless?"

"I thought the safest place-" they argued back and forth in hushed whispers.

"Well she cant stay here, and clearly can't stay at your home." lucius told him. "Get her out of here. I will tell the dark lord i had my fun and she was injured bleeding and bruised. You sot out to tend to her so she would be ready for yourself." Lucius offered.

"Thank you old friend."

''Go." Lucius demanded

"Thank you lucius," avalon said softly as severus apparated them away.

"My beloved, i'm so sorry." Severus said holding her close.

"Severus what have you gotten us into?" Avalon sobbed.

"Let me run you a hot bath and i will try to explain everything," severus told her. But he couldnt her mind was easily accessed he couldnt tell her everything he couldnt tell her anything, it would just horrify her even more, but she nodded.

"I love you so much, Avalon.'' Severus told her

"I love you," she echoed and he pressed his lips to her forehead holding her close.

"MOMMY!" Amelia declared running towards them.

"Oh baby!" Avalon cooed picking her up. Severus started to pack. THey would go to hogwarts, he would charm their chambers, the whole damn castle. He would keep them safe. THere was no running, no hiding, HE would find them. THey had to play their part.

Avalon moved to the twins next, the cats were a good distraction. Avalon held her babies as Severus got them packed up, shrinking down their furniture and putting everything into a case. He stroked Avalon's cheek kissing her again before they scooped up the kids and headed off.

"This is a new room." Amelia remarked looking around.

"Daddy is headmaster." Avalon agreed. "But lets get ready for bed please, its been a long night." The twins were whiney and overtired from their adventure today and getting back to howarts always made them grumbly the change of scenery and smells.

When the kids were finally asleep it was will after 10 and Avalon was exhausted. She plopped down in her new bed and snuggled into Severus. He held her and knew she was still scared.

"I warded the room. The password... well I changed it. It's a blood seal now. Only you, me and the kids can get in." Severus added. "He won't touch you again, I wont let him. I'm so sorry." Avalon nodded closing her eyes, he felt the hot tears running down her cheeks and onto his chest. "Avalon..." He didnt know what to say to make this better so he held her and made promises he was going to try like hell to keep.

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