49. Popcorn

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Severus kept odd hours. Between the order of the pheonix and lord voldemorts demands Avalon felt like she barely saw her severus.

Avalon finally had a moment alone. Amelia was having a playdate with the neighbors next door and severus was all hers when the door dang.

"Oh Lucius, Draco!" Avalon declared. Draco hugged her the moment she opened the door. "Welcome!"

"Hello Avalon." Lucius kissed her cheek. "Is severus- Ah old friend there you are."

Avalon knew about severus life as a double agent and it scared her to death. She also knew from what severus didnt tell her - but she was always good at reading between the lines- was that lucius was a true believer. Draco was going to get caught up in this madness.

"Lucius what is this about?" Severus questioned in hushed voices.

"Having a good summer so far Draco?" Avalon questioned

"Its alright." Draco answered and avalon could tell something was wrong.

"You can talk to me." Avalon added. "Im always here for you."

"Lucius you cant pop into my home. You know that. What if you were followed?" Severus questioned

"I didnt pop in. I walked up." Lucius corrected.

"You know what I mean." Severus growled. "My very muggle wife is here. Amelia is here."

"And inadore your little family. I wouldn't jeopardize that." Lucius assured. "But we needed to speak. Urgently."

"What does the dark lord request now?" Severus drawled.

"Might draco stay here for a while? He has a soft heart and Indont want him near such things just yet. Not until its time for him to prove himself." Lucius added.

"Why keep avalon a secret?" Severus whispered. "Why haven't you told him?"

"Because you love her." Lucius answered. "And im not a monster."

"Thank you." Severus looked to Avalon doting over draco. She smiled running her hand through his hair. "Avalon my love im so sorry honey we have to head out for a bit."

"Oh, really?" Avalon deflated at the news. Severus moved to her kissing her gently. "Be careful." She begged.

"Would it be alright if draco stayed with you a while?" Lucius questioned "Narcissa is... out and I would rather not have draco tagging along for this."

"Oh of course." Avalon agreed eagerly. "I suppose i can have our date night meal with draco."

"Cool." Draco agreed. "Thanks Ms avalon."

"Be careful boys." Avalon insisted. "Love you, Severus."

"I love you." Severus agreed kissing her. "Back before you know it love."

They were three bites into dinner when there was a knock at the door. Avalon got up and Amelia ran in.

"Hi mama im starving. Where is daddy? Hi draco. Ohh! Pasta!" Amelia rambled as she pulled herself up into a seat.

"What happened?" Avalon asked mrs. Beesbury.

"Little Bernie and Amelia were playing and... well I dont know but his nose is bleeding and he keeps rambling on about flying toys. I think they were playing a game but-" mrs beesbury shrugged dramatically.

"No problem. Thank you so much. Feel better Bernie." Avalon agreed before closing the door. "Amelia..."

"Hi mama." Amelia smiled back at her with pasta sauce on her face.

"Were you using magic with Bernie Beesbury?" Avalon questioned taking her seat. Draco chuckled out.

"Well maybe a little bit. But only because he said I couldnt make his toy car fly without touching it." Amelia declared stabbing her fork into a meatball.

"So you made the car fly." Draco agreed.

"So I made the car fly... naturally." Amelia agreed. Draco high fived her. Avalons motherly stare turned into a smile

"Naturally." Avalon agreed. "You sound like daddy."

"You are not mad?" Amelia questioned slurping up a noodle.

"No honey. He asked. You delivered. You hit him in the nose?" Avalon pondered.

"It was an accident. I swear." Amelia declared. "He just sort of moved and I couldnt really control it... stop it."

"Thats quite alright. You have lots of time to learn control." Avalon assured.

Draco had a half eaten bowl of popcorn in his lap. Amelia was snuggled up in avalons the cats were playing with dracos laces until he kicked off his shoes. A film was on the television and draco wondered if this is what it felt like to have a normal life. A normal family. A mother that loved him. Draco moved closer and avalon wrapped an arm around him.

Draco smiled up at her. Draco would be more than happy if his father never came back for him.

"Yes thank you. Im sorry it was such a..." lucius murmured as severus found his key.

"Yes yes I know but thank you for keeping Avalon and amelia-"

"Of course." Lucius assured as severus pushed open the door. "What are friends for. Draco," lucius called out. Draco grumbled closing his eyes.

"Im asleep," he grumbled.

"Hello Lucius." Avalon whispered as she stroked Amelia's head. "Baby girl. Daddys home in one piece." She added smiling back at severus but amelia was fast asleep.

"Draco come," lucius insisted. "Thank you watching him, Avalon."

"Anytime. I love spending time with Draco. He is such a sweetie." Avalon assured.

"Draco. Come." Lucius instructed.

"Thanks Avalon." Draco murmured slowly getting up.

"You call or write anytime sweetie." Avalon assured. "Or come on over."

"Thanks." Draco agreed. "See you soon then."

"Soo," avalon asked noisily as soon as lucius and draco left. Severus picked up amelia. She snuggled into him as he carried her to her room. He put her down and tucked her in. Cheeto ran up prancing in a circle before laying at amelias feet.

"Sooo," avalon repeated.

"My sweet Avalon." Severus cooed kissing her as he closed the door leaving it a crack open. The night light flickered on as the candle went out.

"Sevy," avalon begged.

"Its okay. Everything is fine. You are safe. I just miss you. My darling I miss you." Severus kissed her again.

"I miss you too. Maybe you dont... can you leave the death eaters?"

"Its not that easy." Severus corrected.

"I figured you would say that." Avalon admitted. "Come on. Eat some popcorn and lets finish this movie," avalon suggested. She led severus to the couch. She snuggled up in his arms spilling the popcorn as she kissed him.

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