12 True Love

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"How did you two meet?"

"How does anyone meet?" Avalon countered "at a bar of course. Severus looked like he was drowning away his sorrows while I was celebrating my friend's bachelorette party. It reminded me of my ever so lonely existence." Avalon admitted. "And i sae this handsome man across the way and thought thats a man I want to know."

"Really?" Remus chuckled.

"Yep." Avalon agreed. "He still so charming," remus held back a laugh. Severus? Charming? Yeah right. "And it was love at first sight true we both had a few drinks then but still," Avalon said with a laugh

"And you cohoarsed her into marrying you somehow." Remus added

"It was the most magical thing of all." avalon began "he bought me a drink and it was like the rest of the world faded away. It was just among the chaos" severus smiled putting his hand on avalons thigh. She was good at tuning out the chaos. She was his ray of sunshine.

"Love potion?" Remus teased

"Just love". Avalon corrected. "Love potions are real?"


Many years ago

"So what do you do severus?" Avalon questioned leaning in over the table to hear him over the nosie of the bar around them.

"Im a professor". Severus said vaguely

"What class do you teach?"

"I'm-" a wizard that teaches potions... "-a science professor chemistry". Severus told her

"I always loved science. Math was not my forte". Avalon told him. "Where do you teach?"

"Its a borading school". Severus told her.

"Fancy. Do you live there during the school semester then?"

"I do." He agreed. "What do you do avalon?"

"Im a veterinary technician. I work at an animal hospital downtown."

"You must love animals then". Severus remarked

"Oh i do. I love them. I have two cats and dog right now. But if i ever get a house which on my salary thats never going to happen," she laughed out "but i want more". Severus peered into her mind. He didnt mean to but that smile invited him in.

He's so handsome. Why is talking to me? Avalon thought as she stared at him and severus couldnt help but think why she thought such a thing for she was one of the most beautiful women in the world and she had a sweet smile and kind eyes.

"Severus?" Avalon questioned

"Would you like to go somewhere a bit quieter?" Severus offered

"Yes. I really would."


"And the rest is history!" Avalon declared draping her arms around severus.

"Are you sure it wasnt a love potion?" Remus countered.

"Just love." Avalon assured.

"I dont know how you did it Snape." Remus remarked. 

Avalon smiled back at Severus and it was concerning to Remus that she looked at Severus like he was the best thing in the world. Severus had always been snivelius to them and now he had a wife, a career and happiness, something none of the marauders seemed to have. 

"He's my best friend, I couldnt imagine life without him. You know being here, all the time, I like it a lot." Avalon remarked. "I only got to see him on holidays and weekends, some nights when he got off early enough, he always tried to surprise me, getting home, with the time change he was able to make it but he was always exhausted the next day." Avalon remarked. "Now I dont know how we did it because I can't imagine going a week let along a day without seeing him." Severus kissed her holding her closer. 

"I think we have to get going." Severus remarked. Avalon nodded. She faked a yawn. 

"Thanks for asking out for a drink, Remus, we should do this again." Avalon agreed. 

"Of course, goodnight," Remus agreed he watched them go, their hands interwind, the way their eyes kept finding each other. It was sweet. Remus had to admit, Severus found himself a real keeper in the muggle. 

"That went well." Avalon remarked. "I think Remus is jealous." 

"You do?" Severus mused. 

"Yeah, you got the best girl." Avalon teased. 

"I did." Severus agreed kissing her. 

Severus loved that they never ran out of things to talk about but they also could enjoy the silence together. They would walk along, their feet crunching on the path and be perfectly content in the silence and in each others company. 

Just another reason why severus knew Avalon was the one for him, his true love. 

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