38. Miscreant

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"Remember how I said I wanted a dragon as a pet? Well, I don't anymore." Avalon declared. Severus chuckled. "But I was thinking. Now tell me if this is stupid and crazy-"

"Thats an interesting start to a conversation. Color me intrigued." Severus agreed.

"Mama! I want another story!" Amelia called out from her room.

"Be right there!" Avalon agreed. "To be continued." She assured as she got out of bed. Severus got comfortable reaching for his book as he heard Avalons voice drifting into the room. He put his book open, spine up on his chest and closed his eyes, his head tipping back into the pillows.

"Thanks mommy." Amelia said when avalon was done. Avalon kissed her again before heading out.

"Okay so-" avalon remarked plopping down on the bed beside severus.

"Daddy!" Amelia shouted.

"What?" Severus questioned opening his eyes.

"Kiss me goodnight silly goose!" Amelia demanded.

"I did that already," severus reminded her as he sat up.

"But mommy tucked me in again so it doesnt count." Amelia corrected. Severus got up kissing amelia goodnight.

"As I was saying-"


"Yes Amelia?"

"Can i have some more water?" Amelia questioned.

"Yes baby girl." Avalon agreed getting up and bringing it to her. Avalon waited a long moment before she sat back down beside severus.

"Okay." Severus agreed pulling her closer.

"I want to adopt Harry."

"Potter?" Severus drawled out.

"Yes. I know he has an aunt and uncle but he hates them and they are horrible to him. I just know it."

"Hes not a kitten. We cant just-"

"But we could. Like Amelia. She needed a home and we adopted her. We could adopt Harry." Avalon declared. "Just think about it."

"Okay... i have thought about it." Severus agreed. Avalon beamed back at him. "No."

"Well think longer than." Avalon corrected. "Hes a sweet boy I just love him to pieces and did you see him run to me after he got the egg? He ran to me severus. If thats not a sign then I dont know what is."

"Avalon I dont think he would be as open to adoption as you think."

"Why not? He could stay with us over the summer and holidays. He could have a family. Amelia could have a brother. She adores harry."

"She adores Draco too." Severus countered. "You want to adopt him?"

"He has parents." Avalon corrected.

"He has an absent father unless it involves a lawsuit against the school or showing off his wealth and a drunk and occasionally overdosed mother." Severus corrected. Avalons jaw dropped.

"I had no idea."

"Of course not. The malfoy name is prestigious."

"Well what if I unofficially adopt them both?"

"Unofficially?" Severus needed clarification.

"Yes. You know. Like..." avalon smiled leaning into him. "Like a godmother!" She decided.

"I suppse thats better than adoption."

"Its not but it will have to do until I convince you otherwise." Avalon corrected.

"Mommy!" Amelia called out urgently.

"Yes?" Avalon questioned sitting up again.

"Its dark and I gotta go potty."


The Bowtruckle, which eats insects, is a peaceable and intensely shy creature but if the tree in which it lives is threatened, it has been known to leap down upon the woodcutter or tree-surgeon attempting to harm its home and gouge at their eyes with its long, sharp fingers. An offering of woodlice will placate the Bowtruckle long enough to let a witch or wizard remove wand-wood from its tree.

NEWT SCAMANDER, FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM. Avalon smiled down at the book. She thought of Newts little bowtruckle.

The Bowtruckle was a hand-sized, insect-eating, tree dwelling magical beast with long sharp fingers (two on each hand), brown eyes, and a general appearance of a flat-faced stick figure made of bark and twigs, which served well as camouflage in its natural habitat. They were immensely difficult to spot.

"So a dragon is a no go but what do you think of a bowtruckle. Like mr newt had?" Avalon questioned over breakfast.

"No. The cats would kill it." Severus corrected nodding to flash as he chased around a fly that got in.

The Bowtruckle could be found in western England, southern Germany, and certain Scandinavian forests. A Bowtruckle served as a tree guardian for its home tree, which was usually a tree whose wood was of wandquality such as a Wiggentree. The twig-like fingers were well adapted for digging out wood lice in trees and could also be used as a weapon against a foe when aimed at the eyes.

"Did you know A group of Bowtruckles is called a branch?" Avalon questioned.

"Dont tell me Mr Scammander sent you one already?" Severus groaned

"No no nothing like that. Just reading up. Classes dont stop even when children are risking their lives." Avalon assured. "They are a more tame creature than hagrid usually quizzes on." She added turning back to her book.

"I draw a picture." Amelia decided peering at the book. "Mr Bow!" She declared. "Im going to give him a bow tie! Like barry has!" She giggled out.

"Listen see It is generally a peaceful creature, but it could attempt to...." Avalon stopped herself and severus chuckled.

"Oh no love do go on." Severus assured. Avalon sighed looking between him and book, lips pursed.

"Attempt to... gouge out an attacker's eyes if anything threatened its tree or itself, and was adept at dodging most types of charms." Avalon said at hyper speed. "Thats and newt just keeps him on his shoulder. That is trust!" Avalon declared.

In order to take leaves or wood from a Bowtruckle's tree, a wizard or witchhad to offer it woodlice or fairy eggs as a distraction. Avalon didnt know why she was surprised really nothing should surprise her

"Fairy eggs?"

"They are possessive little beings." Severus informed her as he finished his tea.

"Right of course. Fairies Amelia. Fairies." Avalon agreed. Amelia was busy at work on her bowtruckle drawing. "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had a Bowtruckle Island... at the Great Lake." Avalon whispered before meeting severus gaze. "Thats where they are getting them for the fourth and fifth-year Care of Magical Creatures students." Avalon realized.

"Probably." Severus agreed. Glad avalon was focused on creatures again and not adopting more children like Potter.

"Etymology. Ohh," avalon smiled down at the page. "The word "bow" was an old Scottish dialect means "dwelling", and "truckle" means "limb of tree" in old English dialect." Avalon stared down at the meaning. "Less exciting i suppose but it's truthful in its meaning."

"I have to get to class." Severus cut in. "And if memory serves which i know it does. You do too." Avalon jumped up.

"Who are you going to class with?" Avalon questioned amelia.

"Daddy." She answered packing up her crayons. She gave avalon a kiss before slipping on her shoes and following severus into the potions class.

"Alright class, turn to page-"

"Daddy I say it?" Amelia whispered pulling on his sleeve. Severus nodded. Amelia pulled herself up on the chair. "Turn to page 23 you miscreants!" Severus laughed out.

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