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you made the impulsive decision to get a tattoo. you didn't tell karissa; because you knew she would love it. she was sitting at the table, eating the breakfast you made her. coffee and french toast. her favorite.
you head upstairs to get dressed.

"baby i'm going out!" you yell from upstairs.

"what? why!"

"it's a surprise"

"i'll just look at your location when you get there."

"don't you dare. you'll ruin it."

"ugh! so annoying!"

"i know." you say, walking down the stairs in a nike sweatshirt and leggings.

"have fun be safe." she says, with her legs pressed against her chest, now sitting on the couch as you lean in to kiss her.

"i will. i love you honey."

"i love you more princess."

you smile, before closing the door and heading to your car. about a 20 minute drive later, you pull into the shop, closing your car door as you exit. you walk in, and greet the woman at the counter.

"hello, i'm here to get a tattoo."

"okay. come take a seat."
an artist comes over, and takes a seat in the chair next to you.

"what would you like?"

you smile, before saying, "i'd like 'property of karissa' under my boobs, and khb 6-24, on my lower forearm"

she smiles before getting the supplies out.
"okay, i'll do the stencils, and ask you if you like the placement. have you gotten a tattoo before?"

"yes." you answer

"okay, so i assume you know the aftercare?"


"okay great! let's get started."

the artist places the stencil down, as you lift up your shirt, revealing your bra. she also has you roll up your sleeve, so she can put the arm stencil on.

"do you like the placement?"


"okay, i'll begin now."

she processes the ink into the gun, and begins tracing the stencil under your boobs. it doesn't hurt too bad, just an occasional sting. she finishes, wiping the red area with an alcohol wipe.
your phone dings, and you get a text from karissa.

"how's the tattoo?"

"your fucking joking, stop." you reply

"send me a pic"

"trust me, you'll get all the looking you want when i get home."

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"just be patient."


she repeats the same process for the one on your forearm. she finishes in about 20 minutes, and checks you out at the counter. you pay, and head home. you pull in the driveway soon enough, only to see karissa waiting on the couch like an animal waiting for their owner.

"someone's excited" you say walking through the door

"well shit, you were at a ink shop i wanna see what you got." she says with open arms

"i'll show you then. since your so impatient."
you take your shirt and bra off, revealing your newly inked tattoo.

"what does it say?" she asks
"look closely"

"holy fuck. i know that doesn't say property of karrisa" she says, while kneeling down

"it does sweetheart."

"fucking hell." she says, her face red, eyes locked on your chest. her facial expression tells you she wants to bury her face into your chest.

"don't you dare."

she raises her face upto your boobs, and presses her face onto them.

you laugh "babe! i was serious!!" as you try to lift her face up

"oh come on. you made me hopeful!" she says, frowning

"you'll get all you want of me later." you say, smirking

"oh yeah?"


"you know, you keep saying that, i don't believe you."

"you'll just have to be patient."

"you know i can't be patient when it comes to you my love."

you blush, as she stands in front of you, as you pull her in for a hug.

"i love you karissa. i love you to the moon and back."

a/n: kind of a short one, and kinda rushed, but hope you enjoyed!! happy reading lovelies.

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