"ill be waiting..." (smut)

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karissa was working, and you were home. it was your one day off for the week, and you wanted karissa to know you missed her. you stood in front of your floor length mirror, in a matching set of lingerie. you were taking pictures of yourself to send to your wife, just to be a tease.

"attach. 1.IMG.
miss you 😽"

she replies almost instantly.
"morgan. bardsley."


"you're gonna make me have to go to the bathroom if you keep that up. stop it."

"but i'm impatient! and needy!"

"not my problem."

you send another picture.

"i'm not telling you again."

you laugh, as two more pictures send.

"morgan i'm not fucking joking."

"what would you do if i told you that i was hypothetically getting off on your pictures rn?"

"MORGAN. that's it. i'm fucking not answering."


"i can't fucking send anything! i'm working!"

"oh really? remember that time you said you'd fuck me over the desk? hm?"

"that was uh-different."

"really? how?"

"i don't know."


you send a final picture of yourself fully naked, in from of the mirror. "i'll be waiting...💕" you say, as you slide the panties off of your legs.

"morgan you fucker."

"i'm not sorry."

"you should be."

you were extremely impatient waiting till karissa came home. you already made yourself finish once since the texts. you needed your wife, bad. moans escaped your lips as your fingers circled your clit. you felt yourself reaching the high, as you let yourself cum. karissa wasn't there to tell you if you could or not. your back arched as you finished for the second time.

you got yourself dressed as karissa calls.

"i'm out of work you fucking slut."

you cough, "who, me? i-i'm not a slut."

"let's not pretend here, i got those nudes. and you better not tell me you masturbated too. did you? you probably did, fucking whore."

you laugh, "yeah, i uh, just finished..." you paused. "for the second time."

"morgan. nichole. bardsley."

"mmm, yes?"

"i'm gonna fucking ruin you when i get home." karissa says, disconnecting the line.

"oh shit." you say, as karissa walks in the house 20 minutes later.

"yeah. oh shit, is right. get dressed."

"i already am, dressed. i'm in the kitchen."

"good. i'll fuck you over the counter." karissa says, walking towards you.

"why not the bed?"

"you don't deserve the fucking bed. stay here, and be fucking quiet."

"where are yo-"

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