the party. (smut)

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a/n: inspired by "all too well: the short film"
karissa was hosting a dinner party with her friends from college. they were making jokes as you just sat there watching. quiet music played in the background as they laughed and talked. your brown, curly hair was down, and you wore a black turtleneck with a gold necklace karissa bought you. you take karissa's hand in yours, and she rests it on the table. she drops your hand, and continues telling a story to her friends. what the fuck what that?! her friends leave after an hour and a half of an overwhelming, awkwardness.

you stand in the kitchen, washing dishes. cleaning up after her friends. karissa hands you a plate, and you stand there saying nothing.

"why are you so pissed off?"

"i'm not pissed off, who said i was pissed off?"

"because you're acting pissed off! they were my friends! they were nothing but nice to you too!"

"no, i liked your friends, they were fine, i just didn't like how you acted around them!" you say, turning around.

"you were being weird and quiet the whole time!"

"i wasn't being weird! i was quiet because you wouldn't fucking look at me!"

"that's bullshit. that's such bullshit."

"you dropped my fucking hand! what am i supposed to do with that?!"

"i didn't even fucking notice! what are you talking about?!"

"karissa! i don't know anyone!! they're all strangers, everyone's older than me!  i felt so out of place! and you wouldn't even look at me!"

"i'm catching up with friends! like what? i didn't even notice the hand thing! how can you be attacking me for something i don't even remember?!"

"your making me feel fucking stupid!"

"holy shit! i don't think i'm making you feel that way, i think your making yourself feel that way. your making a big deal over something i didn't even do intentionally. i haven't seen these people in like 10 years! it was fun, i actually had a fucking blast! now, now this is the night, now we're doing this!"

"you just treated me differently! we've been together what- 8 years? you'd think ya, know being your WIFE i'd get some recognition."

"what do you mean?!"

"you didn't even look at me! once! you didn't talk to me, you just focused on your friends!"

"what do-i was catching up with my friends morgan!"

"o-oh yeah, of course! they were enthralled by you! you didn't even look at me!"

"holy shit, holy shit! your acting selfish!"

all expression drops from your face, and you stare at karissa, then at the floor, in disbelief.

"don't fucking look at me like that, that's so fucked up."

you turn around, and lean on the counter, staring at the floor. you feel two hands come up behind you, and hug you, so you stand up straight.

"hey, hey, hey. i don't wanna fight."

you sniffle, wiping the tears away.

"i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry i dropped your hand." she says, kissing your head.

karissa turns you around, kisses your cheek, and pulls you in for a hug, "i'm so sorry." she whispers, rocking you back and forth.

"it's fine."

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