song. pt 2 (smut)

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"mm, just you wait till everyone leaves. i'll fucking ruin you." karissa says, walking upstairs, not saying another word.

"well shi-shucks. you guys wanna go do something? karissa's basically banished me from upstairs."

hunter laughs, "yeah sure. anna baby, you wanna go to the park?"

"yes!" she says, giggling.

"let's go then." you say, smiling. you walk over to the stairs, and yell, "sweetheart we're going to the park!"

you don't hear a reply from karissa, until she opens the door and runs down the stairs.

"jesus, don't fall." you say, staring at karissa.

"you're going to the park or something?" she asks.

"yeah, gonna take anna to get some ice cream too or something. get outta the house, it's boring."

karissa smiles, "okay. i'll see you soon?"

"yes ma'am."

"be safe love." karissa says, hugging you. "i love you, sweetheart."

"i love you more, hermosa." you say, kissing your wife.

"ooookay, let's wrap this up." hunter says, jokingly.

"be quiet. you're just jealous." karissa says, giving her brother the side eye. "have fun doing whatever you're doing, dorks."

karissa laughs, "thanks. i'll see you guys back here?"

"yeah, we'll probably come in and say bye, bailey's gonna want us home."

"mm, fucking ogre." karissa says, under her breath.

you glance over, and she plays it off. "you kiddos have fun at the park. see you later, love you guys!"

"bye kiki!!" anna says, waving.

"i'll see you later sweetie!"

you and hunter walk outside, as you hold annalise's hand. "you got it?" you ask, as she walks down the stairs.

"yes!" she replies, focusing on getting her little legs down the last step.

"good job honey!" hunter says, looking at his daughter. he beams, as you lift anna into her car seat, and she buckles herself in. hunter starts his truck, and climbs in.

"are you all buckled?" he says, looking back at his daughter.

"yes, daddy." she says, laughing, as you stick your tongue out, and close the door. you climb into the passenger seat, and shut the door.

"what's funny?"

"tee-tee made a silly face."

"did i?" you say, making the same face in the mirror.

the truck fills with anna's contagious laughter, as hunter drives down the road.

10 minutes later, hunter parks his car under a tree.

"hunt i wouldn't park under a know what happened the last time." you laugh, remembering the time a big tree fell on hunters truck.

"it was NOT funny. plus, that was like 5 years ago, they have better trees now."

"you're saying that like they get thrown away like a piece of paper." you say, climbing out of the truck.

"i don't need a science lesson."

"well clearly you do! you're in construction, i would imagine you'd know the life of a tree." you say, letting your niece jump down.

"be careful baby!" hunter says, as anna runs to the playground. "i do! i didn't know you were such an expert in tree growth."

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