dinner. (smut)

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hunter was turning 25. older than you, but you loved him like a brother. you were taking him out to dinner, an idea brought up by karissa. she wanted to do something special, so she thought taking him to dinner would show her appreciation.

"they should be here in an hour or so." karissa says, taking down her hair.

"do you think i'm pretty?" you say, smiling.

"my love, i think you're drop dead gorgeous. i can't even begin to explain how beautiful you are. do you think your pretty?"

"kinda." you say, avoiding eye contact through the mirror.

karissa moves in front of you, and picks your head up. "hey. listen to me. you are so pretty, beautiful, amazingly kind, talented, and just an overall angel. i love you, and i always will. no matter what, i'm here." she pulls you in, and hugs you.

"i love you more."

"uh uh. no that's impossible."

"yes i love you more." you say, kissing your wife's lips.

"no you don't."

you sigh, "i guess you win."

"ha!" she turns around, and walks to the closet. "now, dress, or suit?"

"SUIT! " you shout, excitedly.

"okay okay jeez!" karissa says, smiling.

"with rings! i'll do your hair! i wanna do you hair."

"calm down baby. you can do my hair if you'd like." she says, placing her hands on your shoulders.

"you gonna shower?"

"mhm. you can jo-"

"already one step ahead of ya' babe."

"i can see that..." she says, staring at your towel wrapped body.

karissa starts the water, and waits until hot steam fills the bathroom. she gets in first, making you wait so you don't burn your skin with the hot water.

"it isn't hot love, you can step in." she says, reaching her hand out.

you take her hand, and she pulls you into the warm water. she washes your hair, and kisses your soft lips. when she shuts off the water, the reaches to the top shelf to grab a towel for you.

"thank you baby." you say, ringing out your hair, and wrapping a towel around your chest.

she kisses your forehead as she brushes your hair. 

"you're next ya know." you say,  smiling,

"i know, i know."

"i'm gonna braid it i think. yeah, i'll do little french braids."

"okay. do whatever you want darling,"

"yayyy. i'm gonna make you look like cindy lou who."

"...no...i'll just uh-do my hair."

"i'm just kidding of course. you silly goose."

"no way you just said silly goose."

"i did. and i'll say it again."

"lord help me." karissa says, tying the last elastic in your hair. "all done baby."

"thank youuu." you say, getting up and switching positions. "sit sit."

karissa sits down, and you run a brush through her hair. you hold the comb in your mouth before patting her hair, as you start to braid it. you finish both sides, and kiss karissa's head. "you're good babe."

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