"slut." (smut)

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a/n: request for lomlwomen !! an aggression chapter 😼😼 (that was a long time ago but here it is anyway !! sorry for the long ass wait)

you were home alone, working on schoolwork. karissa who was at work, just called to tell you how bad of a day she was having. you comforted her, and asked her if she'd like to be picked up. she didn't, but she was still stressed to the point of almost tears.

when she came home, all she wanted was you.

"morgan pleasee. i'm needy!! please! i couldn't stop thinking about you. please!" she begs, standing over you, as you sit at the table. "i even have a thong on.."

"karissa! you wore a thong to work?! to teach college students?!"

"no.. i changed before i left."

"i'll cuddle you after i finish this essay. i have 2 paragraphs left. it's due tonight, so i have to finish it now."


"yeah i thought- oh my god. you horny fucker! you want me to fuck you, don't you?!"

karissa doesn't say anything, slightly nodding her head and laughing.

"you're such a fucking slut. oh wait, that'll only get you hornier.

"hehehe." she laughs, running upstairs.

"karissa i'm not fucking you."

"but please! i've been thinking about you-about it, all day."

"that's absolutely outrageous." you say, typing on your laptop.


"oh my god! fine." you say, laughing at your wife.


when you get upstairs, karissa lay on the bed, with her pants off.

"did i tell you to undress?" you ask, placing sloppy kisses on her neck.


"did i tell you to undress?" you ask, staring at her.


"can you tell me why your pants are off? are you really that much of a fucking whore you think you'll just get fucked? no. but that's okay, because maybe you'll learn to be patient today, hm?"


"spit it out. use that pretty fucking mouth, love."


"we'll see." you say, sliding her panties off her legs.

she moans when the vibratior touches her clit. you switch it off, and pull away.

"m-morgan please! i'm sorry."

"are you really sorry you fucking whore?"


"then shut the fuck up, and be quiet. i should hear no words out of that filthy fucking mouth of yours, then i stop. got it?"

karissa nods.

as you bring the vibratior back to her pussy, you feel her tense up. she bucks her hips up and bites her lip.

"are you already close? i haven't even touched you, darling. and look at you, such a whimpering mess."

karissa doesn't answer.

"i expect an answer when i ask a question."

"y-yes, yeah i'm close."


without warning, you slide two fingers in karissa's tight pussy. "you're so fucking tight for me, aren't you?"

"m-mhm. just-just for you."

karissa's back arches, and her legs squeeze together. she was close. really fucking close.

"i'm not letting you cum. i'm not done with you yet."

"p-please!" she begs, easing her legs back down.

you pull your fingers out, which are covered in karissa's juices. you tease her clit with your tongue, before eating her out.

karissa moans, and you pull out. "i thought i told you to be quiet. didn't i?"


"so you just aren't going to listen?"

"no-yes-yea i am."

"it's a yes or no question. so, again. are you going to listen?"

"yes. yes-i fuck-i just really- i'm really close."

"you wanna cum for me?"

"yes! fuck morgan-i really wanna cum for you. please. please. let me-let me cum."

"you can cum when i tell you to. not a second before."


you slide three fingers into karissa tight pussy, just to tease her even more. she moans, and bites her lip.

"cum. cum right now." you say, kissing your wife's pussy.

karissa cums, and rides out her high. "t-thank you."

"are you sore?"

"you're a good dom, morgan. yeah a little."

"i'll clean you up. and thank you for the compliment."

"now it's my turn to top."


"you heard me." karissa says, looking at you up and down. "do i have to repeat myself?"

"n-no." you say, getting on the bed. "do-do you want me to take anything off?"

"no. i'll take care of that. just get on the fucking bed. like i said."

you do as karissa says, and prop your head up with a pillow. you watch as karissa gets a strap on, and a vibratior. karissa plays "slow down" by chase atlantic, and straddles your lap. you both makeout, as she takes your shirt off. her lips kiss your neck and chest, as she makes her way to your boobs. she unzips your pants, and slides them off. as the pants lay on the floor, you moan as karissa teases you with the vibratior. her fingers enter your soaked pussy, as you whine for her.

"you're wet pussy is so pretty, sweetheart."

"i-i know. i want you to fuck me, mommy."

"mommy?" karissa says, looking over your body.

you laugh, "please."

karissa's lips tease your swollen clit, as she pulls her fingers out.

"fuck-kay-i'm cumming. i'm-i'm close."

"are you already close for me?"

"mhm," you whine. "i-i just wanna cum for you."

karissa continues to eat you out, as your hand moves to the top of her head. 

"fu-fuck can i? can i cum?"

"cum for me, gorgeous." karissa says, lifting her head, smiling as she watches your legs clench from your high.

you cum, as karissa goes into the bathroom for a warm facecloth.

when she comes back, she spreads your legs, and cleans your legs, and pussy. she throws the dirty cloth in the laundry, before climbing in bed and kissing you.

"you were so good, my morgan."

you giggle, "you were too."

"i love you."

"i love you more." karissa says, playing with your hair.

a/n: okay so there really isn't any smut but i hope you all enjoyed 😭💕

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