accusation. pt.2

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"it's not fucking fine, karissa!! i'm calling morgan right the fuck now." hunter says, picking up his phone.

"hunter, please! i'm begging you. please. don't tell her. she can't know." karissa pleads, almost crying.

"you shouldn't have fucking done that, karissa." he sighs, "i won't call her, but you need to get help. you promise me that you'll get some help?"

"i promise." karissa says, looking at her brother.

"okay. how about that fire?" hunter asks.

"yeah-yeah sure."

"you got a hoodie or something? it's kinda cold out."

"oh shit no-it's back at the house."

"i'll give you one of mine. come upstairs." hunter says, walking upstairs, and into his bedroom. karissa sits on the bed, and hunter pulls out 3 hoodies. a ford truck one, an army one, and a navy one.

"pick your poison."

"army one, obviously." karissa says, rolling her eyes and grabbing the hoodie off the bed.

"i knew it."

"ew hunter this smells like shit! did you wipe your ass with this?"

"no, i didn't. i'm not an animal."

"oh but you are, giraffe neck."

"at least i have a neck."

"at least i'm married. and don't you fucking say anything about whatever happened today. i'll beat your ass."

"at least i-uh-have a stable job."

"bitch you can't be talking. mr. i still work for dad."

"let's go do that fire." hunter says, admitting defeat.

"okay." karissa says, putting the hoodie on.

hunter and karissa sit outside, in the cold, black darkness of the night where the only light source was a small bulb of fire. karissa couldn't help but wonder what morgan was doing at that time.

"you have a guitar, hunt?" karissa asks, hoping to play.

"oh-i-uh-i might. lemme go check."

hunter walks back with a busted up, acoustic guitar. "is it too fucked up?"

"no, no. give it here." karissa says, tuning the guitar.

when she's done tuning, karissa plays a couple chords. then she starts to sing, "you look like you've been through hell, but came back clean on the other side. lord knows i didn't treat you well, but you'll be treated like a queen tonight. so darlin' won't you lie back, and just let and old flame warm you. and i know i'm not the same me, and lord know you're not the same you. so babe just pack your things and swear that we won't come back. you're about as pretty as those washington lilacs." karissa plays a few chords, "i roll up with a killer in my hand, and i'll never claim to be better than i am. you look like a killer in that dress. so i guess my aim is to be your woman. so darlin won't you lie back, and just let an old flame warm you, i know i'm not the same me, and i know you're not the old you. so babe just pack your things and swear that we won't come back. you're about as pretty as those washington lilacs. you're about as pretty as those washington lilacs." karissa ends the song with a couple chords, before placing the guitar down at her side. she cries softly, feeling the same feeling that her wife felt.

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