The panic

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IronDad Superfamily: Overprotective Tony and Papa Steve with the Avengers and Happy, Helping Peter Through a Panic Attack

Peter was normally a calm and collected member of the family, but one day that changed. As he sat in the living room with the Avengers and Happy, he suddenly felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. His heart started racing, his palms turned sweaty, and his breathing became shallow.

Before he knew it, Peter was in the midst of a full-blown panic attack.

At first, no one knew what was happening. Tony was the first to recognize something was wrong when he noticed Peter's rapid breaths.

"Peter? Are you okay?" Tony asked, his voice full of concern.

Peter shook his head, unable to speak due to his labored breathing.

Steve knew exactly what to do. He pulled Peter into a tight embrace, whispering calming words in his ear. The rest of the family gathered around, each one offering their own form of solace.

Clint suggested taking Peter outside for some fresh air, Thor offered to fetch his favorite stuffed animal, and Natasha suggested meditation exercises.

But it was Happy who came up with the perfect solution. He knew that Peter loved to listen to calming music, so he put on one of Peter's favorite playlists and dimmed the lights in the room.

As the calming music filled the room, Peter's breathing slowed, and his body began to relax. Slowly but surely, he returned to his normal self.

Tony and Steve traded relieved looks, silently thanking the rest of the family for their help.

"Thanks, everyone. I don't know what came over me," Peter said, his voice still shaky.

"It's okay, buddy. We're all here for you," Steve assured him, giving him another comforting hug.

And with that, they all settled back into the couch, Happy's music still playing softly in the background. As they sat there, they knew that no matter what happened, they were a family that would always come together to help and support one another.

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