Ice skating .gone wrong

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IronDad Superfamily: Overprotective Tony and Papa Steve with the Avengers and Happy, Saving Peter After He Falls Into Ice

It was a cold winter's day and Peter had decided to go ice-skating in the nearby lake. Tony and Steve had warned him about the dangers of the ice, but Peter was confident in his skating abilities and wanted to have some fun.

As he skated across the lake, Peter suddenly heard the ice crack beneath him. Before he knew it, he had fallen into the icy water, struggling to stay afloat.

Tony and Steve, who had been keeping a close eye on Peter from the shore, immediately sprang into action. They rushed out onto the ice, using their shields to break through the ice and reach Peter.

They found Peter shivering and gasping for air, the icy water already taking a toll on his body. Tony scooped him up into his arms, wrapping a blanket around him to warm him up.

Steve called for the rest of the Avengers to come to their aid. Within minutes, the whole family was there, working together to make sure that Peter was okay.

Bruce checked him over to make sure he had no injuries while Natasha fetched blankets to keep him warm. Clint started a fire to help dry their clothes and Thor worked on a hot chocolate recipe to warm Peter's insides.

Happy was running around frantically, going back and forth, bringing different things, apologizing numerous times for what had happened.

Slowly but surely, Peter started to feel better, the warmth of the blankets and the love of his family healing his cold body.

"I...I'm sorry," Peter stuttered, his teeth chattering. "I didn't listen to you guys."

Tony placed a finger on Peter's lips, silencing him. "It's okay, Peter. You're safe now. That's all that matters."

The family wrapped their arms around Peter, holding him close and vowing to never let anything like this happen again. And even though Peter had learned his lesson, he knew without a doubt that he had a family that would do anything to keep him safe, and that was truly special.

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