Title: Sugar Rush Shenanigans

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Title: Sugar Rush Shenanigans

"Peter, slow down! You're going to make yourself sick," Tony Stark called after his son as the young teenager zoomed around the Avengers Tower, fueled by the sugary snacks he had consumed earlier.

"But Dad, I feel amazing! I have so much energy, I can do anything!" Peter exclaimed, his words coming out in a rush as he zipped past his father.

Tony sighed and shook his head, knowing there was no stopping Peter when he was on a sugar rush. He grabbed a nearby bowl of fruit and held it out, hoping to entice Peter to eat something healthier.

"Come on, Pete, have some fruit. It's just as sweet and way better for you," Tony said, trying to reason with his hyperactive son.

Peter skidded to a stop and looked at the bowl of fruit, his eyes widening with excitement. "Ooh, fruit! I love fruit! Thanks, Dad!" he exclaimed before grabbing a handful of grapes and popping them into his mouth.

As Peter continued to bounce around the room, Tony couldn't help but smile at his son's infectious energy. He knew that Peter's sugar rush would eventually wear off, but for now, he was content to watch the teenager enjoy himself.

"Hey, Dad, do you think I could build a roller coaster in the backyard?" Peter asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Tony chuckled at the absurd idea. "As much as I would love to see that, I don't think the neighbors would appreciate it. How about we save the roller coaster for another day?"

Peter pouted for a moment before his attention was drawn to something else in the room. "Oh, look at this cool gadget! Can I take it apart and see how it works?"

Before Tony could even respond, Peter had already grabbed the device and was eagerly examining it. "Peter, be careful with that! It's not a toy," Tony warned, but Peter was too engrossed in his new project to listen.

As the afternoon wore on, Peter's sugar rush began to fade, and he eventually collapsed onto the couch, exhausted but happy. Tony sat down next to him and ruffled his son's hair, a fond smile on his face.

"Feeling tired now, kiddo?" Tony asked, knowing the answer already.

Peter nodded, his eyes drooping. "Yeah, but that was so much fun, Dad. Thanks for letting me have all those snacks."

Tony wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders and pulled him close. "Anytime, Pete. Just maybe not all at once next time, okay?"

Peter nodded sleepily, already drifting off to dreamland as the sugar crash finally caught up with him.

As Tony watched his son sleep, he couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, when they could just be a normal father and son, even if their definition of normal was a little different from everyone else's.

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