Title: The Wisdom Teeth Woes

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Title: The Wisdom Teeth Woes

Peter groaned as he sat in the backseat of the car, feeling the effects of the anesthesia from his wisdom teeth removal. Tony and Steve sat in the front, trying to keep their son comfortable and entertained during the ride home.

"Hey, Pete, how you feeling?" Tony asked, glancing back at his son.

Peter blinked slowly, his words slurring as he replied, "I feel like I'm floating in space, Dad. And my mouth feels like it's full of cotton candy."

Steve chuckled, reaching back to ruffle Peter's hair. "You're doing great, kiddo. Just relax and let the medication do its thing."

Peter pouted, his cheeks puffed out as he mumbled, "I don't wanna relax. I wanna swing from buildings and fight bad guys."

Tony and Steve exchanged amused glances before Tony said, "Well, you'll have to take a raincheck on that, buddy. Right now, we just need to get you home and comfortable."

As they pulled into the driveway, Peter stumbled out of the car, leaning on his dads for support. They guided him inside and settled him on the couch, piling blankets around him and handing him a bowl of ice cream.

"Thanks, Dads," Peter said, his voice still slurred. "You guys are the best. I love you."

"We love you too, Pete," Steve said, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Now, just relax and let the medication do its thing. We'll take care of you."

Peter nodded, his eyes drooping as he mumbled, "You guys are my superheroes. I'm lucky to have you."

Tony and Steve smiled at each other, feeling a warm sense of pride and love for their son. As Peter drifted off to sleep, they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always be there for each other as a family.

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