Title: "Spicy Surprises"

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Title: "Spicy Surprises"

It was a typical Friday night in the Avengers Tower. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were lounging on the couch, enjoying a rare moment of peace. Their adopted son, Peter Parker, was on a mission with the rest of the Avengers team, leaving the two men to relax and unwind.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and in stumbled a red-faced and watery-eyed Peter. Tony and Steve immediately sprang to their feet, their parental instincts kicking into high gear.

"Peter, what happened? Are you okay?" Tony asked, rushing to his side.

"I... I tried ghost pepper hot wings for the first time," Peter gasped between gulps of air. "It was so spicy! I couldn't handle it!"

Steve frowned, concern etched on his face. "Why would you eat something so spicy, Peter? You know how sensitive your stomach is."

Peter shrugged sheepishly. "I wanted to impress everyone. I thought I could handle it."

Tony shook his head, a mix of amusement and exasperation on his face. "You're our son, Peter. You don't need to impress anyone. We love you just the way you are."

Steve wrapped a comforting arm around Peter's shoulders. "Let's get you some milk to soothe your stomach, kiddo. And no more spicy challenges, okay?"

Peter nodded, grateful for his dads' understanding and support. As he sipped on his milk, surrounded by the warmth and love of his family, he knew that he was exactly where he belonged – with his superfamily Avengers.

And so, in the heart of the Avengers Tower, the superfamily shared a moment of laughter and love, knowing that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always face them together.

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