The panic part 2

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Sure, here's the continuation of the story:

Once Peter had calmed down from his panic attack, Steve sat next to him and asked gently, "Do you want to tell us why you had the panic attack?"

Peter hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I...I've been feeling really stressed about school lately. The exams are coming up, and I feel like I'm falling behind in my studies. And then there's all the superhero stuff too, and sometimes it just feels like it's too much."

Tony's expression softened, and he leaned in to give Peter a hug. "We know it can be hard to balance your superhero duties and schoolwork, kiddo. But we're all here to help if you need it."

Steve nodded in agreement. "You don't have to go through this alone. Sometimes it really does feel like it's too much, and that's okay. We'll all help you get through it."

The rest of the family offered Peter words of encouragement and advice. Natasha shared her strategies for dealing with stress, Bruce offered to help Peter with his studies, and Thor promised to take Peter on a relaxing trip to Asgard once his exams were over.

Peter felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that he had a family that cared about him and wanted to help him succeed. With their love and support, he felt confident that he could get through whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Thanks, everyone," Peter said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"We'll always be here for you, Peter," Tony said, giving him a reassuring smile.

And with that, the family settled back onto the couch, feeling closer and more connected than ever before. No matter what challenges lay ahead, they knew that they would face them together, as a family.

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