Title: A Stark Family Conference

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Title: A Stark Family Conference

Peter sat nervously in his seat, fidgeting with his hands as he waited for his parents to arrive for the parent-teacher conference. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious, knowing that both Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were going to be meeting with his teachers. He hoped that they wouldn't embarrass him too much.

"Hey, kid, relax," Tony said as he entered the room with Pepper. "We're not here to grill you, we just want to hear how you're doing in school."

"Yeah, Peter, everything is going to be fine," Pepper added with a reassuring smile. "We just want to make sure that you're getting the support you need to succeed."

As the conference began, Peter's teachers praised his academic performance and his dedication to his studies. They also mentioned that he was a bit shy and reserved in class, which was something they wanted to address.

"Peter is a great student, but we've noticed that he tends to keep to himself a lot," one of the teachers said. "We want to make sure that he feels comfortable speaking up and participating in class discussions."

Tony and Pepper nodded, taking in the feedback. They both exchanged a knowing look before Tony spoke up.

"Peter, we know that it can be tough to open up sometimes, especially when you're trying to balance school and your... other responsibilities," Tony said with a small smile.

Peter's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected his parents to bring up his superhero duties during the conference.

"But we want you to know that we're here for you, no matter what," Pepper added. "If there's anything you need, whether it's extra support at school or help with your... extracurricular activities, we're here to help."

Peter felt a surge of gratitude towards his parents. He knew that they had always been supportive of his double life as Spider-Man, but hearing them openly acknowledge it in front of his teachers meant a lot to him.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad," Peter said, feeling a sense of relief. "I'll try to be more vocal in class, and I'll definitely let you know if I need any help."

The conference ended on a positive note, with Peter feeling reassured and supported by his parents. As they left the school, Tony ruffled Peter's hair affectionately.

"We're proud of you, kiddo," Tony said with a smile. "Just remember, we're always here for you, no matter what."

Peter smiled back, feeling grateful to have such a loving and understanding family by his side.

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