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IronDad Tony and Papa Steve were in the kitchen making breakfast, surrounded by their Superfamily and a few of their Avenger friends. Everyone was chatting and laughing as Tony flipped pancakes and cooked bacon on the stove.

Peter walked into the kitchen, his nose already inhaling the delicious aroma of the cooking food. He looked up at Tony with his big, innocent eyes. "Dad, can we have pancakes and bacon?"

Tony chuckled and ruffled Peter's hair. "Of course we can, kiddo. Get a plate ready and I'll serve it up for you."

Peter's smile stretched from ear to ear, and he eagerly helped himself to some plates and cutlery.

As Tony and Steve served up mountains of pancakes and bacon, the Superfamily and their friends sat around the table and dug in. Peter savored every bite of his meal, with the rest of the group watching him with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Peter, how about we make this a regular thing?" Nick Fury said with a grin. "Pancakes and bacon every Saturday morning?"

Peter's eyes lit up. "Yes, please! That would be awesome!"

Tony and Steve exchanged a happy glance, knowing that their son was surrounded by love and support. They were grateful for these simple moments that they could share as a family, filled with laughter, good food, and fun times.

As the group sat around the table eating and chatting, they knew that they were more than just friends and allies. They were a family, and they would do anything to protect and care for each other.

Superfamily one-shots Where stories live. Discover now