I hit my head

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Certainly, I can try. Here's a superfamily fanfic for you:

IronDad and Papa Steve Superfamily with all the Avengers, Happy, Bucky, Nick Fury, Hulk, and Bruce. Overprotective, nice, innocent, and bleeding Peter hit his head on the sink.

It was another day at the avengers tower and Tony Stark, aka IronDad, and Steve Rogers, aka Papa Steve, were busy with work. All the avengers, including Happy, Bucky, Nick Fury, Hulk, and Bruce were also present. Suddenly, they heard a loud banging sound.

They all rushed to the sound and saw a bleeding and injured Peter lying on the floor. Tony and Steve immediately rushed to their superhero son's side and helped him up.

"Peter, are you ok? What happened?" asked Steve in a concerned voice.

"I hit my head on the sink in the bathroom," replied Peter, still groggy from the impact.

Tony took charge and quickly assessed the situation. He cleaned and dressed Peter's wound, while Steve comforted their son. The rest of the avengers were also present and offered their help and support.

As Peter started to recover, Tony and Steve became overprotective and made sure he got plenty of rest and care. They showered him with love and attention, while the rest of the avengers looked on with admiration and affection.

In the end, Peter made a full recovery and was back to his energetic and curious self. The avengers, especially Tony and Steve, vowed to always be there for him and protect him, no matter what.

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