Title: Superfamily Tech Troubles

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Title: Superfamily Tech Troubles

Peter groaned as he held up his cracked phone for his dads to see. "I think I need a new phone, this one's seen better days."

Tony raised an eyebrow as he examined the damage. "You definitely need a new one, kid. How did this even happen?"

Peter shrugged. "I was fighting some bad guys and it got knocked out of my hand. I guess I should've invested in a better phone case."

Steve chuckled and ruffled Peter's hair. "Well, we can definitely get you a new one. Maybe something a little more durable this time."

Tony nodded. "I'll have FRIDAY order one for you. We'll make sure it's superhero-proof."

Peter grinned. "Thanks, dads. You guys are the best."

As they sat around the kitchen table, Tony and Steve began discussing the latest upgrades in technology, while Peter listened intently. He loved hearing them talk about their work, even if he didn't always understand all the technical jargon.

"Hey, Peter, what do you think about the new holographic display on the latest StarkPhone?" Tony asked, showing him a prototype on his tablet.

Peter's eyes lit up. "That's so cool! Can I get that one?"

Steve chuckled. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Pete. We'll make sure to get you a phone that's both cool and practical."

After some more discussion and a few dad jokes from Tony, they finally settled on a new phone for Peter. As they finished up, Peter couldn't help but feel grateful for his two amazing dads and the love and support they always showed him.

"Thanks, dads," Peter said, giving them both a hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Tony and Steve exchanged a smile before returning the hug. "We've got your back, kiddo," Steve said.

"Always," Tony added.

As they sat together in the warmth of their family, Peter knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always face them together as the Avengers superfamily.

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