Title: A Superfamily Haircut

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Title: A Superfamily Haircut

Peter sat on the couch in the Avengers Tower, fidgeting with his unruly hair. "I really need a haircut," he muttered to himself.

Tony, who was tinkering with his latest invention, looked up at Peter. "What was that, kiddo?"

"I said I need a haircut," Peter repeated, running a hand through his messy locks.

Tony chuckled. "Yeah, I can see that. Your hair is getting a bit out of control."

Peter sighed. "I just don't know where to go. I don't want to end up with some weird haircut."

Natasha, who was lounging on the other end of the couch, chimed in. "I know a great place. I can take you there tomorrow if you want."

Peter's eyes lit up. "Really? That would be awesome, Nat. Thanks!"

The next day, Natasha and Peter headed to the salon she had recommended. As the stylist worked on Peter's hair, the two chatted about everything from school to missions with the Avengers.

When they returned to the Tower, Peter's hair was neatly trimmed and styled. He couldn't stop running his fingers through it, feeling the difference.

Tony looked up from his work and whistled. "Looking sharp, Pete. Natasha, you did a great job."

Natasha smirked. "I have my ways."

Peter grinned, feeling more confident with his new haircut. "Thanks, Nat. And thanks, Tony, for letting me go."

Tony ruffled Peter's hair. "Anything for my favorite spider-kid."

The three of them laughed and continued with their day, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, they were always there for each other as a superfamily.

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