Title: A Superfamily Treat

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Title: A Superfamily Treat

"Hey, Dad, can we get some ice cream?" Peter asked as he bounded into the living room where Tony and Steve were sitting.

Tony looked up from his tablet and raised an eyebrow. "Ice cream? It's a little late for that, don't you think?"

"But Dad, it's Friday night and I finished all my homework," Peter pleaded, giving his best puppy-dog eyes.

Steve chuckled and ruffled Peter's hair. "I think a little ice cream won't hurt, Tony. What do you say?"

Tony sighed and closed his tablet. "Fine, but only if you promise not to eat it all in one sitting."

Peter grinned and nodded eagerly. "Deal! Let's go, let's go!"

The three of them made their way to the nearest ice cream parlor, chatting and laughing along the way. Once they arrived, they each picked out their favorite flavors and found a table to sit at.

As they dug into their ice cream, Peter couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these. He loved spending time with his dads, and he knew they both cherished these simple, happy times as well.

"So, Peter, how's school going?" Steve asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"It's going great, actually. I aced my math test this week," Peter replied, beaming with pride.

"That's my boy," Tony said, giving Peter a proud smile.

They continued to chat and enjoy their ice cream, savoring the sweet treat and each other's company. As they walked back home, Peter couldn't help but feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. He was lucky to have such amazing dads, and he wouldn't trade these moments for anything in the world.

As they settled in for the night, Peter drifted off to sleep with a content smile on his face, feeling grateful for his superfamily.

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