Title: A Family's Care

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Title: A Family's Care

Peter groaned as he rubbed his temples, trying to alleviate the throbbing pain in his head. He had been trying to ignore it all day, but it had only gotten worse as the day went on.

"Peter, are you okay?" Tony asked, noticing his son's discomfort as they sat together in the living room of the Avengers Tower.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little headache," Peter replied, trying to downplay the severity of his pain.

"Let me see," Steve said, reaching out to gently lift Peter's chin so he could look into his eyes. "You definitely don't look fine. We should get you to the medbay and have Bruce take a look at you."

Peter sighed, knowing that arguing with his parents was futile when they were this concerned. "Fine, but I'm telling you it's just a headache."

As they made their way to the medbay, Natasha joined them, her keen eyes immediately picking up on Peter's discomfort. "What's wrong, kiddo?"

"Peter has a headache, and we're taking him to see Bruce," Tony explained as they entered the medbay.

Bruce quickly assessed Peter's condition and confirmed that it was indeed just a headache, likely from stress or fatigue. He gave Peter a mild pain reliever and advised him to rest for the remainder of the day.

Back in the living room, Peter settled on the couch, feeling grateful for the concern and care his family had shown him. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it, but I'm okay, I promise."

"We know you're okay, kiddo, but we're here to take care of you when you're not," Natasha said with a warm smile.

"And that's what family does, Pete. We take care of each other," Steve added, placing a comforting hand on his son's shoulder.

Peter smiled gratefully at his parents and surrogate aunt, feeling the warmth of their love and support. "I'm really lucky to have you guys. Thanks for always being there for me."

"We're the lucky ones, Peter," Tony said, ruffling his son's hair. "Now, let's all hang out and watch a movie together. What do you say?"

As they settled in to enjoy a movie night, Peter felt the lingering pain in his head start to fade away, replaced by the love and comfort of his superfamily. He knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always be there for each other.

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