- S2 - episode 25 -

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Trigger warning: violence


Chaeyoung tried standing up when the truck took a halt. She flinched when she heard something hit the truck twice. Then seconds later she almost went blind when the truck doors opened and a light coming from a flashlight pointed straight to her face.

She felt the truck shook a bit, two men went inside the truck, one grabbed her by the arm to make her stand and the other put a sack over her head. She screamed when she was lifted like a sack and was place over the bigger man's shoulder.

"Put me down! Let me go!!!" She tried screaming as loud as she could, she tried hitting the guy but he's too strong. They put her down and forced her to sit on a chair. They grabbed her hand and she felt a rough rope tied to her wrist and same goes the her other wrist. The guy pulled it so hard she feels like her wrists are going to fall off.

"The boss said make sure she wouldn't escape. Also, keep the cover. Let's leave her like that" she heard the two men talking.

"See you later, your majesty" one of the men said and it was followed by a laugh and the door being shut.

Roseanne Park feels helpless. She feels scared for her life. If they wanted to kill her then just do it, why does she have to wait and suffer like this. All those pain and fear she felt 15 years ago are crawling back to her.

It was scary being kidnapped when she was 7 years old but it's much scarier now that she's an adult. She's thinking about the people she's going to leave behind. She's thinking about the people who will sacrifice their own safety just to save her. She's thinking about Samantha, Alexandria, her friends, her parents and in-laws, Alice, and Jennie.

Especially, Jennie.

Sometimes she wishes that she wasn't born like this. Having so much has great consequences, and it's frightening to know that sometimes people would hurt other people even for just a little money. She wishes that she wasn't born at all.

However, Jennie exists. And she wouldn't care about what or who she is in another lifetime as long as she'll be with Jennie. And if there's another universe, she hopes that her life isn't as complicated as her life right now. And of course, she wishes that she's still with Jennie.

She didn't know how long she was alone in wherever she is at the moment. It feels like minutes, it feels like hours, and definitely feels like a day already.

She heard the door clicked and swung open. She heard footsteps and it stopped near her. The chair drags against the floor, and a creaking sound when someone sat on it. She felt hands taking off the sack covering her head. And again, her sight had a hard time adjusting from the scene.

The rooms looks empty, it's a small enclosed space, like an interrogation room, with only a table, two chairs and a light hanging from the ceiling.

There's someone sitting on the other chair at the other end. She cannot see the face clearly since the light only luminates the table. Then the person placed a few papers and a pen on the table, he leaned closer showing himself.

"Grant" Chaeyoung said.

"Aren't you happy to see me, your highness. Or should I call you... cousin?" Grant said a smirk forming on his lips.

"Why are you doing this?" Roseanne asked even though she already knows the answer.

"Oh, no big deal. I just want to claim what's rightfully ours" Grant said.

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