- S1 - episode 17 -

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"Attorney Park, someone is waiting for you in your office," the receptionist said.

"Oh? Who?" Alice said.

"She said her name is Chaeyoung," the woman said.

"Okay thanks," Alice said and went inside.

She was a little confused about why her sister came to her office. It was highly suspicious that Chaeyoung would've gone to visit her. At this time of day, she should be at the university. And that Chaeyoung would've called if she wants to meet her.

She saw Chaeyoung looking around her office. Her younger sister didn't notice her entering the office so, she softly knocked on the door to get her attention.

"Hi, Ali! Nice office you have here" Chaeyoung said when she saw her.

"What are you doing here?" Alice asked.

"Why? Do I need a reason to visit my sister?" Chaeyoung asked back.

"It's still school hours," Alice said.

"I can skip school. I'm not a kid anymore" Chaeyoung said.

"Are you with uncle Jongmin?" Alice asked.


"Roseanne are you out of your mind?" Alice suddenly became very upset with her sister and started closing the blinds.

"Ali, no one even recognized me" Chaeyoung reasoned out.

"And it should stay that way. But you being alone outside could put you in danger. You know why mom and dad decided to hide you" Alice said.

Chaeyoung looks like she's tired of hearing those things. I guess intense emotions bring out Chaeyoung's bratty side.

"Does Jennie knows you're here?" Alice asked.


"You've got to be kidding me," Alice said.


"And pose!" Lisa said.

Jennie did the last pose and counted 5 counts in her mind. She was perspiring as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her chest fell up and down, the intense dance practice made her breath fall short because the cat-eyed girl insisted to polish the new dance step that Lisa helped to choreograph.

"Okay let's have a break. It's almost lunch" Hyoyeon announced as she was watching the two with the dance collab.

At that moment Jennie's manager peeked inside the practice room.

"what should I get you guys for lunch?" The woman asked.

"Unnie, I have my packed lunch," Jennie told her manager.

"Oh yeah I remember, should I get it in the pantry for you?" Her manager asked.

"Yes please unnie. My body is hurting" Jennie said and let her body collapse on the floor.

"Weak!!!" Seulgi shouted but landed beside Jennie and lie down beside her.

Both are dead tired because of intense rehearsals for the upcoming music awards.

ASeul duo who were in the other practice room went to Jennie to have lunch with her.

"You have packed lunch, Jen?" Irene asked the distracted Jennie.

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