Chapter 1

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Lookin' so hot

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Lookin' so hot

Gotta wear sun block

Put some shades on my eyes

'Fore I lick between your thighs

I'm a pretty big ***

With a whole Lotta swag

In the dark gay club

And the queens are showin' love

"Long time no see." He put his hand on your shoulder and took a seat beside you.

"Boss, or rather boss's daughter-"


The music was booming, lights shining, all preparations for tonight.

"What's got your panties in a bunch?"

A bad mood wouldn't begin to describe the feeling you had at the moment, a feeling of discomfort that you thought could be soothed by coming here.

"School started today y'know"

You layed your head down on your arms.

"missing your first day back?" Gabriel held his drink close and spun the liquid around a little bit. "That's not like you. I don't know how they do it back in America but here, your teachers will get suspicious of you."

"You're only 15-"

"Stop." You held up your hand with a blank expression. "The moment I stepped in here I became 19."

You held up a fake ID and he started laughing his ass off.

"Right, of course!" Gabriel gestured to the whole room. "And I'm assuming the same goes for everyone else here?"


"What do you want, Gabriel?"

"Someone came by yesterday, they were looking to buy this place." He downed the rest of his drink and took a breath in.

"What did you tell them?"

"I said we weren't interested."


You stood up and called over an employee to clean up.

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