About Me

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Well hello all you beautiful out there! My name, is TrinSepticEye, and I'm a HUGE fan of JackSepticEye.

(As you can see from the username that I have) People at my school make fun of my friends and I and how we like Jack and his videos.

I have every JSE shirt, jacket, T-shirt, and other merchandise there is, I even made some myself.

I've been subscribed to Jack since he had only 1,000 subscribers.

The only true friends I have are Lukeyplier and BellaDiePie. (Luke likes Markiplier and Bella likes PewDiePie, but we all LOVE JackSepticEye, and this is in the book, not real life anymore.) They've been subscribers to Jack for as long as I have.

Everything in my bedroom is either green and or blue, any other color, goes to the trash. The paint color in my room is called "Septic Green", and I've painted a bunch of Sams (Septic Eyes) all over my room.

My computer is my life source. Without it, I would die in a matter of seconds. Same goes with my friends, without our computers, we'd all be dead.

My birthday is June 24, and I just turned fifteen. (Fourteen in the story.) I'm mostly Irish, and know quite a bit of it, but I mostly talk like all those Americans out there.

My hair is blue and green. Mostly green. The green and blue are just streaks though, you can still see most of my brown hair.

So, that's me, I should probably wright the story now, shouldn't I? So I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!

(All of this goes for the Book Trin, as well.)

What I Wish (JackSepticEye Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora