...Oh shit...

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I watched Luke start beating the shit out of the dirt wall. I glanced at Bella, who was crying. I just simply laughed and walked off.

As the sounds of crying and banging died down, I remembered the flashback that I had had earlier. "We'll be the 1,000th ones!"

I sighed and shook my head. That as all in the past. Besides, I've gotten over that Irish bastard! I'm AntiSepticGirl now! (THAT IS PART OF THE STORY, NOT IRL)

I smiled to myself and went to check on JackSepticEye. As I reached his cell, I saw that he was sprawled out on the floor, unconscious.

Anti must've knocked him out... I went up to the cage and banged on the metal bars, making a loud noise. "Wake up!" I shouted.

He slowly sat up, examining his wounds. He then looked at me. He was sad and angry at the same time. "I'll bring you back...." he said, starting to heal himself.

"But why? I'm happy where I am." He winced hearing those words. "I should've known he would do this... I should've known he would make you turn..."

"I didn't turn, I just chose the right side." I smiled. He stood up and walked closer to me.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said "Please come back. Don't you remember? You're my special 1,000."

I took a step back. "How the hell did you know I was your 1,000th subscriber?" He smiled. "Anti told me."

I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. "Can you just shut up? I'm not your "Special 1,000"! I'm not even one of your subscribers! And I never will be!"

He stumbled backwards and fell on his ass. I laughed. "Goodbye, JackSepticEye." I said, walking away.

As soon as I was out of sight and earshot, I let out a sad sigh. Well that's weird... I'm not suppose to feel sad.

I'm a horrible person... I thought. I should've NEVER unsubbed from Jack... I took out my phone.

I got on YouTube and went to Jack's channel. I'm coming back, Jackyboy! I went to press subscribe, when I heard someone shout


Hello all you beautiful out there! I was thinking about this earlier today: Should I make Trin good, or keep her evil for a little while longer? I literally thought about that for ten minutes. I know how both will turn out, but idk what one to do. So, that's why I'm letting YOU decide! Yep! You get to pick! Should Trin stay evil for a while longer? Or should she subscribe to JackSepticEye and become BOSS once again? .....OR..... I could write two different chapters, one with the "Good ending" and one with the "Bad ending". YOU DECIDE, IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!!! Anyways, THANK you guys, so much for reading the chapter and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!! Aaaaand high-fives all around! *high-fives to sides* but thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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