Septic Base

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We walk down the green stairs for quite some time until we come to an iron door tinted slightly in green with a keypad on it. "There's a password," Jack explains, glancing at me. "If anyone gets it wrong, then they would be killed right then and there." I gulp, taking a step back.

"I got one letter wrong once... good thing I can heal myself..." he types in a three-lettered password and the door unlocks and opens. "What's the password?" I ask him.

"Sam." I roll my eyes. "How can you get one letter wrong on the word 'Sam'?" Jack looks at the floor, shrugging. "I was being a stupid and kinda fucked up."

"What's new?" I say with a smirk. "Hey!" He laughs, me joining him. We walk into this huge room that is dark green and has machines everywhere on the walls, a few machines in the middle, and a lot of doors on the walls.

"My secret base." He says, smiling at my astounded look. I immediately run around and touch everything. I press a red button with a skull on it and a loud, robotic voice can be heard, me looking up to find the source.

"Base self-destruction button activated. Base will now self-destruct in ten, nine..." I look at Jack, who is in a state of panic. "Oopsies..." I say, smiling apologetically. Jack runs over and presses the button again.

The robotic voice can be heard again. "Self-destruction deactivated." Jack lets out a sigh of relieve, but then turns to glare. "Are you TRYING to kill us?!" He shout at me. His eyes were green instead of their normal color, blue.

"Your eyes turn green when you're mad." I say observantly. Jack face palms. I laugh at him and turn around to see a Septic Eye sitting in a giant tank filled with a green liquid. I yelp and jump back, my eyes wide. Jack sees me and smiles. "That's Sam. Sam the Septic Eye."

I stare at him doing little flips in his tank as Jack continues. "He's in his Septic Tank, so he won't hurt anyone." Jack grins. "He won't hurt me anyways." I looked at Jack. "What about me?..." Jack smiles playfully. "I dunno,"

He walks away without another word, leaving me still. I come to my senses and chase after him. "What's that suppose to mean?!" He completely ignores my question and types something in on a keyboard.

The shop we were in appears on a HUGE screen. "Shop's destroyed." I sigh. Jack nods. We stare at the picture on the screen. "Jack..." I finally say. He looks at me with his head tilted slightly. "We're going to get Luke and Bella back, right?" Jack sighs.

"I'll do everything I can to get your friends back." He says sincerely with a smile, me smiling in return. Jack suddenly falls over and lands on his back, crying out in pain.

"Jack!" I run over to him and kneel by his side, very worried. "Jack! Jack what's wrong?!" He looks at me, tears in his eyes. "...Another...dead..."

His eyes slowly close and he lays there, what I assumed to be dead. I poke him. "Sean? You dead?" I whisper. No answer. I sit there and stare at Sean's lifeless body, tears forming in my eyes.

He suddenly screams and jerks up. I screams and fall over out of surprise. He laughs, getting an angry stare at him in return. "I thought you were dead you asshole!"

He slowly stops laughing and says "Well, I wasn't. That really hurt though..." I help him up. "What happened to you?" I ask. He looks at the floor sadly. "Another one of my subscribers died..."

After a minute of awkward silence, I say "I'm going to slap you next time you scare me." to try and lighten the mood. We both laugh at my comment. He then starts typing something in, and a red room appears onscreen, with Bella and Luke in it.

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