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He wore a black hoodie and black jeans, he had pointy ears and black and green earrings, his hair was short and brown, the white part of his eyes were black, and his irises were green, and he had the most devilish smile ever... you know who he is? AntiSepticEye!

I covered my mouth in shock. I tuned back to Bella and Luke and whispered as quietly as I could "...AntiSepticEye..." their mouths dropped open. I told them to shush. I took out my phone and took a picture.

I showed them and Bella starred freaking out. I covered her mouth and told her to shush. "We gotta show Jack!" Luke whispered. I nodded. We ran back through the hallway, not caring that we didn't get any supplies. We started running to Jack's base.

~Time skip At Jack's Septic Base~

We ran down the green stairs an reached the iron door. I punched in the password and it opened. We ran into the control room and looked for Jack. He wasn't there.

We looked at each other with extreme worry. I ran over to Jack's giant computer and looked at the keyboard. Bella and Luke soon joined me.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked me. I looked at her, then back, at the keyboard. I typed in the name "JackSepticEye" and pressed enter. We looked up to the screen and it read "No Results Found".

I heard Luke mumble something under his breath. Bella just stared at the screen, tears welling up in her eyes. I sighed and tried something different.

I typed in "Sean William McLoughlin" and pressed enter. We saw a map come up on screen. There was a little red dot on the map. "Is that where Jack is?" Luke asked.

I nodded. It showed that Jack was at... my house?!" I tapped both of their arms, and ran down the hall. They were close behind me. We ran out the door and up the stairs.

We burst out of the door and sprinted to my house. We raced past the construction. We jumped over everything that we could.

~Time skip a bunch of running~

We reached my house after running like maniacs. We took out all the water in that bag and drank it, ALL of it. We walked up the stairs ad opened the door, to see my mom and dad watching TV.

"How was your time at Bella's?" My dad asked me. "It was fine!" I said, looking around the house. "Whatcha lookin' for honey?" I sighed and looked at them "Nothing."

The three of us ran into my room. We saw that there was a man in a blue hoodie there. "JACK!!" We all screamed at the same time. Luke shut the door as Jack turned around and smiled.

His smile faded as I asked him "Why are you in my room?" He sighed. He took the knife with my blood on it out from behind his back. My smile faded as well."I know what you did." He said.

Luke gasped and Bella just stared at the blood on the knife. "I also put the note back together." He held out a piece of paper with a bunch of tape on it.

I felt a stray tear roll down my face. I looked at the floor, full of sorrow. I started crying. Jack dropped both of the objects and came up to me.

He wrapped me in a warm hug. I hugged him back, crying into his chest. "It's okay, Trin, it's okay..." he rubbed my back. Bella and Luke stared at us with smiles on their faces.

Jack released me and he pointed at my arm. I looked down at my arm and saw that all of the scars, even the old ones, were gone. I checked my legs, same thing. All my scars were gone!

"All better?" Jack smiled. I smiled and nodded. "Never cut. It's one of the worst things you can do." I nodded. I remembered what happened earlier today.

I took out my phone and found the picture of AntiSepticEye. I showed it to Jack. He immediately turned pale. I explained to him what we saw.

He gave me my phone back. "We need to get to my base, NOW. He will kill Bella and Luke, and he'll enslave us." Jack warned me. I nodded.he opened my window and crawled out it.

"Don't worry about your parents." We all snuck out the window. We all started walking to Jack's base.

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