The dungeon...

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I woke up in a dark room. as my vision adjusted, I saw that the walls were made of stone, and there was a single iron door and a large cell window.

I jerked up, and suddenly got the worst headache in the world. I yelped and let myself fall back down, but making sure my head didn't hit the floor.

I heard the rattling sound of chains and looked to my left. I saw Rin, chained to the wall, and looking at me.

"You should stay down. It'll help control that headache of yours." She stated, looking me straight in the eyes.

I rubbed the back of my head and slowly sat up. It didn't hurt as much as it did, but the pain was still there.

"Where are we?..." I asked, looking around once again. "Right..." She sighed. "Welcome to the dungeon."

I looked at her, frightened. "What?!" I stood up, but my headache forcing me back down.

"You should really stop that, you're going to hurt yourself." I sighed and looked at the chains with shackles on her bare feet.

She shifted uncomfortably. "Did he hurt you?" I asked. She shook her head. "Nah, he just gave me these ankle bracelets."

"Those are chains, Rin." She smiled. "I know. I'm just trying to stay positive." I sighed and shook my head.

"But I know for a fact that he'll be back." I crawled over to her and sat by her. She smiled, ignoring the fact that we were both probably going to die.

"When is he going to come back?" I asked her. She shrugged. "I dunno, maybe weeks." My eyes widened. "WEEKS?!"

Rin nodded, looking down at the chains. "He usually only lets me eat once a week, gives me water every three days."

I suddenly felt sick. "Will we die?..." She shrugged again. "Maybe." I stood up, but lost my balance.

I grabbed a hold of the wall, and got it back. I groggily walked over to the cell window and started yelling.

Rin stood up, alarmed. "Shh! You're going to disturb him!" she whisper-shouted. I continued yelling.

There was an angry shout, then hurried footsteps coming towards us. "What the FUCK do you want?" AntiSepticEye yelled, coming down a flight of stairs.

"Let us go! NOW!" He smirked. "I'm sorry, apparently Rin hasn't told you about the dungeon," He chuckled. "No one leaves until their time is up."

He glanced at Rin. "Isn't that right?" Rin nodded, looking at the ground again. I shot a tiny fireball at him through the bars of the window.

I caught his hoodie on fire. He gasped and swatted at the flames, making them go out. Rin and I laughed.

Anti growled and looked at the burnt hole in his hoodie. "You little bitch..." he mumbled.

"Let us out. Now." I repeated. He smirked. "I'll let you out, only so you can come with me to my bedroom."

My eyes widened and I stumbled backwards out of surprise. "That's what I thought..." He laughed once more then went up the flight of stairs.

"You shouldn't of done that." Rin told me, sitting down again. She motioned for me to join her.

I did. "Did he really mean that?" Rin sighed. "What do you think? He's AntiSepticEye. OF COURSE he meant it."

I shuddered. I suddenly remembered what had happened that night that Rin showed up. Rin sighed.

"So... you wanna play a game?" I looked at her. "A game? What game?" I asked. She smiled. "Rock paper scissors?"

I laughed and nodded. "I gotta warn you though, I'm pretty boss at rock paper scissors." I said.

She shook her head and smiled. We adjusted ourselves so we were facing each other. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded, and the game began.

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