Changes Were Made...

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I felt all the energy in my body drain. I sunk to my knees. My mother and father knelt by me and said "It's okay, it'll only hurt for a little bit." My dad smiled. "You'll be like us now!"

It suddenly felt as if someone stabbed me in the heart. I fell backwards in excruciating pain. I closed my eyes, thinking that I was dying. I'll be in Heaven now, I'll be in a better place...

The pain slowly ceased. I felt different, refreshed, free... evil... I opened my eyes and sat up. I saw that I had on a black shirt and jeans. I stood up.

"How do you feel, my dear?" Anti asked me, smiling. "Better that I did." I smiled. He laughed. Black flames erupted in his hands. "Try to do this."

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I pictured one word in my mind, "AntiSeptic". Black flames erupted in my hands. "NO!! GOD DAMMIT NO!! YOU BASTARD!!" Jack screamed.

I turned and looked at him. The flames disappeared. Bella took a step forward. "Y-Your eyes... are... r-red..." I smirked. "Cool." They gasped. Green flames suddenly appeared in JackSepticEye's hands.

His eyes were dark green. "Fuck you! You made her turn!" He shouted at Anti. Ant simply laughed. "Yes, I did, and there's nothing you can do to change her back."

Jack suddenly charged at Anti, and Anti charged back. Welp... this is gonna be a blood bath... Where's my rubber ducky... :/

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