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Hello all you beautiful out there! 2.5K READS?!?!?!?! WHAT?!?!!? I just want to take this chapter to thank you guys. I never thought that this book would reach even 100 reads, I thought it would be one of those, "forgotten" books. It means so much to me that you guys actually take time out of your day to read MY book. MINE. Out of all the other books out there, you chose mine. That makes me so happy! Like, words cannot describe how happy I am! I've been going through some really hard times these past few days, and I've been really down by it. Whenever I go on Wattpad or Facebook and see the nice things you guys have to say, It immediately lifts me up again. I love you guys with all my heart, I mean that. I have a really good friend on Wattpad. her username is Pika5490, and she has helped me a BUNCH. (Go check her out, btw, she makes really good stories) I'm literally crying right now, you guys are the best, and don't let anyone else tell you any different. I know you guys have better things to do than read this authors' note, so... and sorry for rambling, I do that a lot... Anyways, THANK YOU GUYS, so much for reading this chapter and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!!!!! Aaaaand high-fives all around! *high-fives to sides* But thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ TrinSepticEye

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