Special Delivery...

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I looked around. I was in my bedroom. I immediately grabbed my phone off my desk and texted Bella. [B = Bella, M = Me]

B: R u home?!

M: Ya!

B: Did u text Lukeyplier yet to see if he's home?

M: Uh no... I just got here...

B: I'll do it! Besides, you gotta practice your BOSS POWERS!!!

M: Jack said not to use my Bossness unless in danger!

B: Oh ye... :/

M: I gtg, my parents think I was in my room all day

B: Kk, ttyl TrinSepticEye!

M: Bye!

I turned off my phone and ran out of my room. I saw my mom in the kitchen talking to my dad. The both looked at me. "What's the rush honey?" My mother asked me.

I shrugged. My dad snapped is fingers. "Oh yeah! Mason came over earlier!" I gulped. What does HE want... I thought. My dad lifted a package out from under the table. "For you. From him."

I cautiously took the package, which was wrapped with a bow on it. I walked back to my room and closed the door with my foot. I sat on my knees, ripping off the bow and the wrapping paper.

I took off the lid and looked inside. There was a knife and a letter. I carefully took the knife, my hands shaking. I sat it on the ground next to me.

I opened the letter and read it. Hey bitch! I thought I would be nice and give you something. You can use that knife to kill yourself and give a gift to the world! Because everyone would be happier without you, ya know. You and that JackSepticFuck should kill yourselves. I also thought you would like to know that I––

I couldn't see the rest of the letter because of the tears in my eyes. I started full on crying. I ripped the letter into a bunch of little pieces. I threw the box at the wall out of anger. I stood up and looked in the mirror.

I gasped and took a step back. My eyes weren't their normal color, hazel, they were Jack's eye color, electric blue. I walked up to the mirror and examined my eyes.

I started to calm down and noticed that they changed back to hazel. Cool! I change like Jack! When he's mad, his eyes turn green. Now when I turn mad, my eyes turn blue.

I also noticed the tears running down my face. I sunk to my knees, slowly picking up the knife. I looked at the old scars that I've made on my arms. I knew that there were more on my legs, torso, thighs, feet, and hands.

I slowly put the knife up to my skin. I shivered, feeling the coldness of the blade. I pushed deeper and I made a big cut on my arm. I sighed, watching the red blood trickle out of my body onto the wrapping paper.

~Time skip 1 hour later~

I dropped the knife. I had new scars everywhere. There was blood everywhere. I started crying since the first cut and haven't stopped. I wiped my tears and went to the bathroom to clean myself up.

I put bandages on the small ones and wrapped the worse ones. Most of them were small, but there were a few that needed wrapped. I took off my blood-stained clothes and buried them in the bottom of the laundry basket.

I put on my pajamas and got in bed. I turned over too my side, hugging my giant Septic Eye Sam plushie I made. I closed my eyes, wondering what would happen at school tomorrow. I soon went to sleep, exhausted from cutting.

What I Wish (JackSepticEye Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now