Jackaboy is BACK!!!

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"Kill me?!" I asked, scared as all hell. "Yes. I don't understand why, you seem so nice." Jack said, green fire erupting in his hands.

"Whoa! Jack! Calm down!" Felix said, standing in front of him. Jack took his fiery hands and shoved Felix out of the way.

He landed hard on his back, burnt severely. "Felix!" Luke cried, running over to him. Jack glanced at Felix, then at me.

He started walking towards me. I backed up a step every time he took a step forward. I'm not going to fight you, Jack. I refuse.

Mark suddenly tackled Jack, pinning him down. They both struggled, but Jack set Mark on fire. Mark started screaming and rolling around on the floor.

Bella dashed towards him with water in her hands. She continuously soaked Mark until he was put out.

"What the hell Jack!?" I shouted at him. He stared at me. "I'm sorry, I was told to..." he sighed.

Wait... If this necklace gave AntiSepticEye special powers, then won't it give me some, too?

I closed my eyes, picturing Jack's logo in my head. This has to do something... I immediately went up in neon green flames.

I appeared next to Mark and Bella, and the fire died around me. "Found out how to teleport." I stated.

I helped Mark up. He was bloody and burnt beyond belief. "You okay Mark?" I asked.

"Aside from almost being burnt alive, I'm good." he sighed. He grabbed me and whispered into my ear. "Put the necklace on him, see what happens."

I nodded. Maybe his memory will come back... I faced Jack, who was staring at me with fire ablaze in his hands.

I slowly took off the necklace. "What's that?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. "A gift for you." I replied.

"No it's not, it'll probably kill me!" He shouted. "No, Jack. I said I would never kill you, this will help you. Please. Take it."

He stared at the small Septic Eye necklace. "Take it, and you can kill me." I said. He looked at me, then at the necklace.

The fire vanished from his hands. He slowly walked up to me and took the necklace. He slowly put it on.

The necklace emitted a green light. It's working! When the light died, the necklace was no longer pink and blue, it was green and blue.

Jack suddenly fainted. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, worried. Mark shook his head. "Nope."

We all went over to Jack and stared at him. "Soo... now what?" Felix asked. "Wake him up." Bella said. "How?" Mark laughed. "Slap him?" I shook my head. "Water."

Bella nodded and made a small water ball in her hand. She then threw if at Jack's face, hitting him spot on.

He jerked up, shouting. We all took steps back, laughing a small bit. "Jack?" Mark asked with a curious look.

"Who's Jack?" he replied. We all stood there, ready to cry. "I'm just kidding, guys, calm down! I'm Jack!"

We all shouted at Jack for scaring us like that, and he just shrugged it off. We all enclosed Jacky in a big hug.

"We got Jacky back!" Luke said happily. Jack just smiled. "Wait, got me back? What happened to me?"

"Well, from the looks of it, Anti revived you somehow, and replaced your memory with some complete bullshit."

I replied. Jack looked down at his Septic Eye necklace. "Whoa! Where'd you get this?!" He exclaimed, examining it.

"We stole it from AntiSepticEye." Luke replied. Jack looked surprised. "Oh, and I killed Darkiplier."

Mark added, smiling. Jack stared at him with his mouth open in shock. "Really?! How?!" "I beat him to death."

Jack sighed and smiled. "Why didn't you kill my evil counterpart?" he said jokingly. We all stood there, discussing what had happened.

We laughed, we cried, and we kicked some serious ass, and in the end, we got our JackSepticEye back.

HEY GUYS!!!! Sorry for the delay in chapters! I'm SICK! AntiSepticEye must have poisoned me... I'll once again try to publish every day, even if my body hurts, I'LL DO IT FOR YOU GUYS!! Oh, and one more thing, 3.2K READS?!?!?!?!?!!? HOLY BALLS GUYS!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Words cannot describe how happy I am!!! You guys are honestly the BEST people out there, don't let ANYONE tell you ANY different! Anyways, THANK YOU GUYS, so much for reading this chapter and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!!! Aaaaand high-fives all around! *high-fives to sides* but thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ TrinSepticEye

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