What Happened To You?

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I started running back to the wooden house. Jack grabbed my arm to stop me. "No! Anti could do what he's doing to Rin to you if you go back there!"

"I'm saving her!" I shouted, breaking free of his grip. Mark suddenly grabbed both my arms. "We're not letting you go back there!"

Mark said, pulling me away from the screams. "Mark! Let me go NOW!" I fought to get free, but with every move I made, Mark did not let go.

Mark suddenly picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Put me DOWN!!" I demanded.

Mark just turned around and headed towards Jack's base, everyone else close behind him. I started kicking and punching, I didn't dare use fire to escape.

"Can you please stop hitting me?" Mark finally asked as he walked down the sidewalk. I let out a frustrated sigh and stopped struggling.

I never did stop looking in the direction of the screaming, it was terrifying to think what AntiSepticEye might be doing to Rin...

~ Time skip: Jack's base ~

Mark gently put me down, which was a mistake. I bolted towards the door, only to be tripped by Bella. I fell flat on my face.

"Trin. No." She said as she helped me up. I rubbed my nose to see if it felt broken. It didn't. "You could've just said "stop" instead of tripping me."

I said, glaring at her. "You wouldn't of stopped anyways." Felix cut in. I sighed and looked at Jack. "We're going to save her, right?"

He shook his head sorrowfully. "Why not?!" He hung his head. "Because she belongs to Anti, not us." He mumbled.

I felt my blood start to boil. "Why don't you trust her?" Jack looked up at me. "She's evil, and she always will be."

"She saved me, Jack! Why don't you understand that? It seems like you can't tell a hero from a villian!" I shouted. He glared at me. "I can tell who's who, an she's a villian! Just like her father!"

Jack shouted back, his eyes green. "If you could tell who's who, then you wouldn't of left her there with Anti!"

Jack growled and went to a door. He threw it open, then slammed it shut behind him. Mark came up to me and sighed. "Look, Trin, maybe Jack's wrong. Maybe Rin isn't a villian, but right now, that's not what he believes. Maybe if you prove that she's a hero, if you prove that she's not evil, then he'll believe."

I stared at him. "How do I prove it?" Mark shrugged and headed towards the door that Jack had left through. "That's your problem."

He said before going through the door. I stood there in silence with Felix, Bella, and Luke. Felix turned to me.

"Good luck." He headed through the door that the other two had. As I stood there in silence with my best friends, Luke poked me.

"So, what's the plan?" He asked. "I thought you two hated Rin as well..." I glanced at Bella, who was looking at the floor.

"Nope, we trust her." Bella said, looking up from the floor. I nodded and started thinking. What if I get myself in trouble with Anti and see what she does?

I thought about it for a moment. It's risky... but it's the only way... I remembered the silly impressions that Rin and I had done of Anti when we were both at my house.

I smirked. "You guys ready to get in trouble?" I asked them. They both raised an eyebrow. "Trouble?" Bella asked cautiously.

I grabbed their arms and pulled them closer to me. I started explaining the plan.

~ Time skip: the wooden house ~

We quietly entered the wooden house. The screams of my twin had died down, giving me a sense of worry.

"Now that I think about it, this is a pretty stupid idea..." Luke whispered, worried. "It'll be fine! Besides, I'm the one doing the impressions."

I replied, opening the trap door. I went in first, then watched Bella and Luke come down.

As we walked down the hallway, Bella froze in her tracks. "Wait," Luke and I stared at her. "Did you get permission from Jack to do this?"

I shook my head. "Nope,but he wouldn't of wanted to save her anyways." Bella shook her head and walked on, as did we.

We reached the end of the hallway and I peeked into the black room, no one was there. I slowly walked into the room and signaled for Luke and Bella to follow.

As we walked on, we heard the faint sound of crying coming from behind a door. I went up to the door and tried to open it. Locked...

As soon as I tried to open the door, the crying ceased. "H-Hello?..." a faint, scared voice said.

"Rin? Is that you? It's me, Trin!" I heard shuffling behind the door. "What are you doing here?! You're going to get killed!"

She warned me. "I'm here to rescue you! I'm not letting Anti do that to you!" I heard her let out a shaky sigh.

"...It's to late..." Bella, Luke, and I gasped. "WHAT?!!" we shouted simultaneously. She sighed again.

I started kicking the door, hoping to beak it. "Stop! Stop! You're going to end up like me if you keep making noise!"

I continued ramming into the door. "I'm getting you out, no matter what the outcome is!"

I made a ball of fire appear in my hand and I threw it at the wooden door. The door immediately disintegrated, and in it's place stood my twin.

The only problem was she was all cut up, and she had a black eye. I grabbed her and hugged her.

She immediately started crying. I started leading her towards the exit. As we walked, Luke and Bella periodically checked behind us to see if there was anyone there.

We reached the end of the hallway and started climbing out the trap door. As I watched Luke climb up the ladder and out of the trap door, Rin stared at the ladder with an unsure expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She sighed. "N-Nothing..." She hesitantly climbed the ladder.

I went up after them. As we left the wooden house and walked down the sidewalk, Rin started to become weak.

She stumbled and I caught her before she could fall. "Are you okay?" I asked, helping her stand.

"I-I'm fine...j-just a little w-weak..." she replied, stumbling again. I put her arm around my shoulder to help her stay up.

Bella got on the other side of her and put Rin's other arm around her shoulder. Rin suddenly slumped over, almost making Bella and I drop her.

I checker her pulse. Barely beating... "Jack's base! NOW!" I shouted, picking Rin up bridal style, surprised at how light she was.

I started running to Jack's base, hoping that he would have the answer to Rin's sudden illness.

What I Wish (JackSepticEye Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz